Off to Cherrywood

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[picture of Cinnabar]

As we drive along the paved road towards the barn I spot the wooden sign with words on it saying 'welcome to Cherrywood'.

I smiled to myself when I caught the feeling of being at home just by seeing the welcome sign to the barn.

I felt eyes blazing into the side of me and who else but Hunter is watching me smile to myself.

"Eyes on the road, cowboy." I roll my eyes and look out the window.

From the corner of my eye, I see Hunter smirking. I smile to myself.
As we are turning into the stable I see my trainer, Carl, watching us pull in with heat in his eyes. I could feel his eyes blazing threw me. As soon as the truck comes to a stop... Well... Slows down a little, I jump out of the truck. I feel his gaze on me and without him even saying anything, I knew what he was going to say; what are you doing with this cowboy and why are you late??

I look at him with wide eyes, just waiting for him to explode. Surprisingly he started talking in a calm manor. "Samantha." He acknowledged me. I soon heard the truck door shut. As I turned around I saw a clueless, worried Hunter. "I'm sorry we are late sir." Hunter stated. Carl turned and looked at Hunter, still very calm and composed as opposed to how he was fuming when we got in the driveway. What has gotten into him?

"Hunter, please unload the trailer and go fetch Cinnabar." Carl directed his glance towards Hunter. "Samantha, please go polish up and changed out of your school clothes." He directed his glance towards me this time and back to Hunter. "I expect that Cinnabar will be talked up by the time Samantha is back." He says finally before walking away.

I look at Hunter with a thankful and sorry expression; thankful for him tacking up Cinnabar and sorry for him having to tack up Cinnabar.

15 minutes later

I walk down the stairs and appear in the barn where my beautiful dapple grey gelding is standing all tacked up. The turquoise saddle pad and his matching turquoise polo wraps looked very becoming on him. I soon noticed Hunter patting my horse's neck while smiling at me.

He looked over my ensemble and jokes, "Well, look who looks all professional!" He smirks. I was wearing my full seat kaki breeches with my long sleeved black sports jacket. Nothing to extravagant, but considering he is a cowboy, his look is very different from mine.

After what seemed like an eternity of just staring at each other, he finally snaps me out of my thought. "I, uh... Here's your horse." He smiles sheepishly while handing me the reins. I take a step forward just to trip over my boots. Damn tall boots and pavement. I look up to see Hunter barely holding back his chuckles. I scold him playfully while grabbing my reins. He chuckles as I enter the arena.

As I enter the arena I hear footsteps behind me. "Do you need a leg up?" I hear Hunter call after me. I turn around to see Hunter a few feet away from me. I smile gratefully and nod.

As soon as he approaches me, he hunches down and cups his hands waiting for me to put my shin in them. I lift my leg and he soon hoists me up onto my 17hh horse with ease. I smile down at him and am rewarded with a smile on return.

Carl soon enters the arena while I'm struggling to put on my stirrups.

"Don't even bother fiddling with your stirrups." He says.

Oh crap.

"We are going to do without stirrups this lesson." He continues. I look over to see Hunter barely managing to contain his amusement over this 'humorous situation'. I sigh.

This is what I get for being late.

[authors note]
Thank you guys so much for reading! And aren't stirrup less lessons fun?? Lol

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