“We left it up by the till so we could find everyone and buy everything together,” Tom added.

“Can I get this one?” Steve asked from where he was looking at a whole range of colouring books, and had settled on one filled with pictures of planes.

“Sure, and I’ll get some more colouring pencils as well,” Maria replied and picked three of the brightly coloured boxes off the shelf.

“I’m going to take Bruce and look for Tony Thor, you guys look for Nat and Clint,” Tom said and then set off again with Bruce following closely behind

It didn’t take long to find Tony, who was looking at a very cool red and yellow bike, and Thor was close buy, searching through the tub of foam weapons for a hammer. Eventually Tom had to help him pull almost everything out, but they found the last foam hammer so Thor was happy.

Tom convinced Tony to pick something other than the bike, knowing he wouldn’t be able to use it inside, and so he picked out a rather large nerf gun. Tom wasn’t too happy with it, but Tony was so all he said was “Don’t shoot me, and your good”.

They made their way back to the front of the store but Maria wasn’t there, so they had to wait, because she had the money.

Suddenly Maria came running up to them with Pepper on one hip and Steve on the other.

“I can’t find Nat or Clint anywhere,” she said worriedly.

“I’m sure they’re f-“ Tom started, but was cut off by  a loud scream.

“Stay here,” he said to the boys and Maria, before running off in the direction of the scream.



“Oh shit,” Tom said under his breath. Nat and Clint had somehow climbed all the way on top of the shelves and were sitting with their leg dangling off the edge, ten feet off the ground. He wasn’t too worried, Clint had always liked being up high, and Nat always liked following him when it came to dangerous, not quite legal things, but that was when they were adults.

“Clint, Nat, what the hell are you doing up there?” he asked calmly, not expecting a reply, so he was surprised when he got one.

“We was climin and then we didn’t wanna get down,” Clint said, leaning precariously forward, and almost giving a few of the mothers who had screamed yet another heart-attack.

“Well you have to get down now, ‘cause we’re going home.”

“But I don’t want to,” Nat said defiantly, crawling backwards from the edge, all the way to the other edge.

“No, Nat!” Tom yelled, but it was too late, she had already reached the other side of the shelf and after wobbling unbalanced near the edge for just a moment, she slipped, grabbing a hold of the edge of the shelf as she did.

“Nat!” Clint yelled, reaching out to grab her hand without falling off himself.

“Помогите!” she cried in Russian, and Tom had no doubt that she was yelling “Help”.

“Hold on, Natalia!” Maria, who had ran over as soon as she heard Nat’s cry for help. She started scaling the shelf, climbing up to where Nat was and then grabbing both her and Clint. It was quite amazing to watch, but as soon as the three of them were safely on the ground, Maria started yelling at Clint.

“Why did you climb up there? One of you could have gotten seriously hurt! She nearly fell off the edge!” Maria yelled, and Tom had to put a hand on her shoulder to get her to calm down, because people were staring.

“Ri, he’s four,” he reminded her gently.

“Go strap all the kids into the car, I’ll buy the toys,” was all she said in reply, and he knew her well enough to know that arguing would get him nowhere.

“Come on, Nat, Clint, let’s go back to the car,” he said gently, pushing them towards the other kids.

“Everyone, to the car.”


I was trying to write something a bit more suspenseful, so let me know if you like that or if you want me to go back to more cutesey stuff.

Oh and next chapter is the long awaited arrival of.






Well, really it's just Hank Pym, he wont be doing any shrinking, or talking to ants, but whatever.

Also, I REALLY CANT WAIT FOR IRON-MAN 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me know if any of you want to fangirl about the perfection that is RDJ.

that's all folks


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