Powers to Unlock

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~Tessa's POV~

"So did tori say anything about how you can figure out what your powers are?" James asked me. I tried to remember the conversation Tori and I had. I went to put my plate in the dishwasher since I finished eating but it wasn't on the counter.

"James where is my plate?" He was just looking behind me shocked. I turned around and saw my plate putting it self in the dishwasher.

"Well that's 2 of 5. So what did she say?" I turned around again and faced him.

"Tori said that training might help. She also said that we may just figure them out as I go about my day like how we found out about the flying and telekinesis." James nodded.

"Well lets go to the training grounds." He said. I followed him out of the house and we headed to the training grounds. I went her only once what it was late and my brothers wanted to use me as their punching bag. That reminded me that they were still in the cells. I would have to ask James if Tori can go and deal with them.

"So we will start with running then move on to sparring." James said I nodded and walked over to him and we lined up at the start of the track. As soon as I hard go  I ran off leaving James behind in the dust and before I could even blink I ran around the whole track not even winded.

"Power 3 of 5. Super speed." I said James just nodded. It turns out I did leave a cloud of dust behind me and he was no covered in dirt.

"This could've been a bad idea." I heard James think wait think?

"Uh James did you say anything?" He just shook his head no.

"Well Power 4 of 5. Telepathy." I said and walked past him. "Oh one more thing this was an amazing idea." I said. I walked of to the sparring mats and waited for him there.

"Well if it isn't the bitch who stole my mate." I heard a snippy voice say behind me.

"Vanessa how many times do I have to tell you James is my mate and not yours?" Vanessa just laughed at that.

"Why would he be mates with someone that doesn't even have a wolf? Your just a weak human." I laughed at her. I turned around and faced her and her group of friends.

"Well lets test that theory. You spar with me winner is James mate and Luna." I said. I heard James walk up behind me.

"Tessa are you sure about this?" James asked me. I nodded and gave him a kiss.

"Get your hands of my mate bitch!" Vanessa said and ran at me. I easily dodged and kicked her in her back. Sending her flying into a tree.

"Need to do better that that!" I yelled at her. Vanessa threw a right hook at my face. I grabbed her hand and flipped her over on her back and twisted her arm around until I heard a crack. I quickly pin her down after that.

"Now. As I said before James is my mate not yours." I got up off her and walked over and kissed James.

"You bitch!" I heard Vanessa scream and heard her shift. I quickly ducked and saw her wolf flying over me. I quickly shifted to match her. Tori was really glad to be let out. I heard people gasp behind us. I forgot people probably came over to watch me and Vanessa fight. Vanessa immediately surrendered.

"But I wanted to fight her!" I hear tori say in my head.

"Don't worry we will one day." I replied back to her. 

"Tess shift back now." I heard James say behind me. He was holding out some clothes for me witch I took and went behind a tree and changed. After I came out behind the tree I was immediately wrapped in a hug from James witch I took.

"Hey James Tori is upset she couldn't fight Vanessa would it be okay to go down to the cells so she could mess with my brothers?" I asked him.

"Tess it isn't safe for you to go down there alone." He said.

"But you can come with me." I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine but only if you stay in my sight and don't leave my sight either." I nodded. I gave him a quick kiss and followed him over back to the pack house and to the basement where they kept the cells. I walked down with James hand in hand.

"Well if it isn't the bitch who took away our father and mother away from us." I growled. Why does everyone eep calling me a bitch I looked over at my Reed. I walked up to him and grabbed the chain around his wrist and pushed it on to his skin. Well it was more Tori then me.

"Everyone needs to stop calling me a bitch." I felt Tori take control.

"Tessa gave me time to think and I am afraid for you my decision has you sentenced with death." Tori said. She reached over and quickly snapped Reed's neck and walked over to Jack.

"Please Tessa  don't do this you know that they forced me to. You saw them I know you did. I watched you play our games." I knew this because one day after I had gotten a beating from Reed I was walking by their room when I heard the talking.


"Jack why didn't you hit her like dad told you to?" I heard Reed ask Jack.

"Tessa is our sister. I don't want to hurt her." I heard Reed slap him.

"She is not our sister. You will do what dad and I tell you." Reed yelled at him. I looked through a crack in the door.

"No I am not hitting her." Jack answered back. Reed grabbed the knife that he used earlier to cut open my arms. It was made of silver. He used it and cut open his arm like he did to me earlier.

"You will or it won't be your arm I am cutting next time." Reed said and went to sleep. Jack looked over at me. But I quickly ran away before I could tell if he saw me or not.

~End of Flashback~

Jack barley hit me and always hit me softer then Reed and Dad. I knew he was as abused as much as me. Tori gave me back control and I quickly lifted up the sleeve of his shirt and saw multiple scars on his arm.

"Tessa what are those?" James asked. I looked over to him and used my telepathy to show him what happened in their room that night. James handed me the keys and I quickly got him out of his chains.

"Jack I am so sorry I couldn't help you." I told him. He just gave me a hug.

"It's alright I should have helped you. I could've gotten you out of there." Jack said.

"Tess what about Jamie Lilly Jarrod and Jasper?" James asked.

"I'll just show them what I showed you and explain it to them." I had already did that when I showed James earlier so they already knew.

After that the day was pretty normal Jamie Lilly Jarrod and Japer forgave Jack and we just hung out. After a while I just passed out from exhaustion.


Guys 1k reads?!!?! That is amazing I hope you enjoy this chapter I made it a little longer then usual as an apology for not writing in a while. But it has been pretty hectic around my house because school starts Wednesday for me here. I thank you guys so much for reading my story and bearing with me! I will try and update weekly on Sundays from now on. Talk to you guys later bye! 1k reads! Yay!

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