" You might be strong, but I can beat you up anyday," Julie whispered into my ear.

" Answer my question," I harshly spat.

" What makes you think I will?" she shot back, holding me tighter.

" Just answer her question Julie," Janson muttered, clearly annoyed.

" Hey Julie. Listen to your uncle and be a good girl," I said, smirking. She glared at her uncle and then back at me. 

" Fine, if you wanna know so badly," she said. " We are going to take over your brain and control you."

I laughed. They can't do that, right?

" Yes, we can do that. We have the technology," Julie said, clearly reading my mind. I eyes widened, not just because of what was going to happen to me,but because of the chance she could read my mind.

" No I can't read your mind. I took classes on physical expression, so I can tell what you are thinking," she said, obviously impressed with her skill. "And plus, it isn't the only thing I can do," Julie said. I furrowed my eyebrows before she elbowed my ribs and pinned me to the wall.

" Well good for you," I uttered under my breath, my ribs slightly hurting. "Do you have to pin me to the wall?"

" Not really."

" Then can you please let me go?"

" No," Julie replied.

" Then can I get some water. My throat is pretty dry," I admitted, my voice cracking. 

" Janson, get Teresa some water!" she commanded.

" Dont you mean Uncle Janson?" he said, standing his ground.

" Sorry," she muttered. 

" I'm 27 years older than you. I'm to weak to move," Janson joked. Julie rolled her eyes. 

" I see he's still a lazy rat," I muttered. Julie smiled for a bit, but quickly frowned. 

" Fine, you lazy-arse," Julie replied, rolling her eyes.

" Hey! Don't call me that!" Janson protested.

" Hold the girl while I get her some water," she said, as Janson took her place. Before she left, she quietly mocked Janson and left. I smiled. Even if she is rude and evil, she didn't change.

" What're you smiling at?" Janson asked.

" This," I replied. Before he could say anything, I kneed him in a very sensitive area and bolted as he loosed his grip and fell to the ground, curling up in a ball. I quickly located myself around the place. In the distance, I heard a glass smashing and Julie yelling. I quickly smiled, but remembered how fast of a runner Julie was. I quickly rushed towards another room, when someone tackled me to the ground. 

" You can't get away," Julie whispered, sitting on my stomach.

" I brought you a water bottle," she said, holding up a small bottle. I reached for it, but she pulled it back.

" No-uh, not until you follow me and obey," she said, getting off of me. She pulled me up and held on to my shoulders. We slowly walked towards my room. I tried to elbow Julie in the ribs, but she dodged it. 

" No water for you," she said, drinking from the water bottle.

"Guards!" she screamed. Two guards came in with huge weapons. 

" Those are transvices. If they hit you, your molecules will be disassembled, and you'll disappear," Julie informed, noticing my stare. 

" Scary, huh," she says. One guard stood behind me and one in front of me, while Julie walked beside me. We reached what looked like an operation room. Janson was sitting on a chair glaring at me. I smirked and mouthed, sorry not sorry.

I was thrown on the bed and strapped to it. I squirmed around, but I was stuck here for good. The doctor hooked some wires and needles up onto me and I winced and cried out in pain. The doctor looked as if he was sorry, and flipped a switch.

Commencing Brain Control  was the last thing I heard before I completely blacked out.

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A/N: Well here is that! Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been sleeping for like 15 hours a day and stuff and feel so sad and lazy 'cause school is so close :((

I finished my book Bittersweet! Yay, so now I can update my books more frequently. Maybe once a week or two, since I have 2 other books and I might start a new book. Oh and for the new book, its probably just book ideas and stuff that you guys can use! 

Kayy bye :)

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