Chapter Two

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 The last box of my things were unpacked, put exactly where I wanted, and I finally had some downtime to unwind. I flew myself onto my bed. Taking my feet, I slipped off my shoes one at a time. It took me a couple days to decide where I wanted things, but I was finally finished. For the first time today, I allowed my muscles to relax. A sigh escaped my mouth, with no one around to hear it, which was exactly the way I enjoyed things.

I'm one of those lucky people who don't have a roommate for their Freshman year of college. I demanded to Uncle Peter that I needed a single bedroom, otherwise it would make matters much worse for me. He talked to room and board and they ended up allowing me to stay in a single bedroom, also giving me a pamphlet for the school's psychiatrist, which I threw away. Perks of having a mental illness, I guess; you get your own room.

The sound of someone pounding on my door snapped me from my relaxation.

"Its the campus police, open the door and hand over your booze!" a familiar voice said from behind the door. I knew who it was, so I slipped off of my bed and threw on a sweater over my tank top so that I don't look like I just rolled out of the garbage. However, I'm sure that my black sweatpants didn't even that out. Twisting the handle, I opened the door and found my Uncle Peter standing before me. He had a joyous grin on his face.

"Ah, I'm just joking. See, I made a joke." he tried.

I raised an eyebrow, then let it fall. "Nice to see you too, Uncle Peter." I responded slightly hastily.

I turned around and walked around my room, pretending to pick up things, although my room was perfectly clean.

"You know I tried that same joke on Beca the first time she moved in." Uncle Peter told me, trying to make light conversation.

"And let me guess, she didn't laugh either?" I asked.

My uncle's face fell into nonchalance. " she didn't." he replied.

I curved my face into the slightest smile and I chuckled. "That's Beca for you." I took my day clothes off of the floor and threw them in the hamper next to my bed.

"Speaking of Beca," my uncle said, "have you seen her yet, or visited her house down the road maybe?"

I didn't even know that Beca didn't live on campus, "No, I uh- I haven't. And I'm sure that I'm the last person she wants to see right now." I answered as I took a seat on my bed, with my uncle standing in the middle of the room.

"I'm pretty sure that I surpass you in Beca's Top 10 people she doesn't want to associate with right now."

I let out a puff of air from my nose and smiled.

"Are you doing alright?" Uncle Peter asked.

"Yeah, I've been doing fine." Which was a lie.

"That's good. Did you eat anything today?"

"Yeah." Which was another lie.

"That's so good to hear, Cleo." Uncle Peter said joyfully, "Well, I have to go do some things, but you should consider visiting Beca. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

I rolled my eyes. Beca left me with nothing, I don't even think she knows about my father's death, or the cutting or the depression. Even if I did see her, I don't think she would want to have to deal with me and all of my personal problems.

"She's your cousin, Cleo." my uncle said to me sincerely.

"Yeah, I know." I said, "At the end of the day, she has to love you because you're family." I mocked, sounding like a parent giving a lecture.

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