Chapter Seven

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Entering our room, Beca was sitting on her bed with her laptop resting on her lap. Her soft brunette hair fell at her shoulders. She heard me walk in, because she looked up and gave me a big grin.

"Hey weirdo." she said.

I don't think I have had a non-awkward conversation with Beca since I got to the Bella house, and for some reason this was the most comfortable I've ever felt talking with her.

"Hey, Bec." I said, smiling back.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"Uh, it was good." which was clearly a lie, "How was the concert, if you guys ever got to see any of it?"

"Yeah, we caught some of the concert. It was good, though." Beca replied.

"Good." I ended the conversation awkwardly.

Chloe said that Beca was ready to act like a family member should, and I trust her judgement. All I needed was another subject to keep up this good vibe we were getting. I thought until something struck me.

"So, I uh, ran into your boyfriend today." I started, taking a seat on my bed.

"Really? You ran into Jesse?" she asked.

"Yeah, he was with his friend, uh, Bongo."

"You mean Benji?" she corrected.

I smacked my palm onto my face, "Of course, Benji. Anyways, they were walking their really cute corgi."

"Ah, you and your love for dogs." Beca said, smirking at me.

"Psh, I don't "love" dogs." I said, using finger quotes. "I am obsessed with dogs. There's a difference."

Beca chuckled, "That explains the puppy-dog folder I see on your desk whenever you come home from class."

I laughed, then my smile disappeared as I remembered why I came upstairs in the first place, "Beca, why didn't you like me coming to see you that one day?" I asked.

Beca stopped fiddling around with her laptop, gave me a glance, and then closed the laptop. She swung her feet so that they were hanging off of the bed.

A sigh escaped her mouth, "I-well...I don't really know, Cleo. I guess you just showed up and I didn't have a reason as to why I stopped talking to you at the time."

The was a short pause between the two of us.

"Do you have one now?" I asked.

The young brunette shifted in her sitting position with no answer.

"Beca, you shut me out. You shut the world out. I can see if it was your dad because he just utmost left you and your mom, but why me, Bec? We were best friends." my sincere tone left a weird feeling hanging in the room.

"Yeah, well I shut everyone out don't take it personally. It's just easier."

I looked Beca straight in the eye, "It may be easier for you, but it makes things harder for others."

My comment made Beca's face go blank. All of these times she has stunned me with her hurtful and uncalled for words, yet here I am. Oh my, how the tables have turned.

"I..." Beca tried to make out the words, still a blank expression on her face, "I'm sorry, Cleo."

My crystalline green eyes stared right into Beca's blue ones, "Well, it's going to take me a while to accept your apology." I said sternly, "Given the fact that you were the spark to my darkest times."

The pits of my eyes bloomed in fear. Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say anything about that. That was for only Chloe to know. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

"What do you mean 'your darkest times'?" Beca asked me, utterly confused.

"Uh..." I said as my mind scrambled to come up with a white lie, "My uh...power went out as soon as you left my life?" I tried.

"Cleo," Beca said sincerely, "Please, tell me what happened after I left."

To my relief, Chloe suddenly made an appearance to our room, with her bright smile leading the way through this storm of conversation.

"Hey big and baby Bella. Are you two doing alright up here?" she asked.

"Well, not necessarily." Beca said, "You were right, Chlo. She doesn't want to tell me anything."

"Chloe you told her?" I almost shouted.

The redhead, with now an expression of worry on her face walked over to me and said, "Of course not, Cleo! I just told her you had a lot of feelings about the past couple of years and-"

"Chloe, I trusted you! And that's not something I do often! How could you throw away my trust like that?" I was shouting now.

Beca stepped in, "Cleo, she didn't tell me anything-"

"I don't want to hear it, Mitchell!" I staggered my finger at her. I was so incredibly angry, that I had no idea what to do with my emotions. I shot my eyes to Chloe, then back to Beca, I wanted to whack the both of them so hard, that their ancestors would feel it. My eyes began to fill up with water, and before I knew it, my feet took off down the stairs in a full on sprint. I didn't want to be anywhere where there was people.

I burst out the door, and my feet slapped the chilly, rough pavement of the street. My salty tears flew back from the force of the breeze and stung my eyes.

I must have ran a mile, because I was near the Barden campus. I took a right down Sea Street, there was a place I knew I could go. The lighthouse seemed like my only option.

My knees were huddled up against my chest as I sat on the smooth rocks, the tears still streamed down my cheeks. Waves crashed beneath me. The salty sea filled my nostrils, although they were kind of clogged from crying. What was I supposed to think or say? I never confront my problems, all I know how to do is run away from them. I knew Beca was full of shit being nice to me, and I should've went with my gut not trusting anyone. Throughout my childhood and teenage years, all I had was myself and I was stupid for thinking that one person could change my whole entire perspective on that.

Never will I ever have anyone who takes my feelings into consideration. There's no point for me to continue. My gaze traveled to the lighthouse ladder next to me. No one cares, and no one will miss me. I rose to my feet and started up the ladder. When I got to the top, I looked down at the sharp rocks and my breath became shaky.

Just do it, Cleo. Just before I was about to jump, a deep voice sounded behind me, "Cleo?"

It was Jesse.

When I'm Gone (Pitch Perfect Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα