Chapter 14

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I felt myself jerk awake and hit concrete. I heard a sickening pop and let out an ear piercing scream. I bit my tongue as I stood up. No one was around me and I faintly recognized this place. Everything was bright white in my vision, and very blurry.

My hand clasped my shoulder with had popped out of place to due to hitting the concrete to hard.

I bit my lip and popped my dislocated arm back into place. I could taste the metallic blood from biting my lip to hard.

I rubbed my eyes trying to see if my vision would clear up but it didn't.

"(Your Name) are you alright?"

That voice sounded familiar, but it also sounded whisper like. As if it was far away?

I looked around, the white surrounded me. I looked up and black engulfed what I believed to be the sky.

'Where am I?'

My voice didn't seem to work as I mouthed it but no sound came out.

I decided to explore this territory.

The only problem was: where are the exits?

"(Your Name)?"

There was that voice again.

I started to roam around with my hand on the wall. I fell through a spot that I could've sworn was a wall. I did this to every wall. Falling in and out of 'rooms'.

'Where am I?'

I mouthed once more and once again no sound.

Then I came to a room just like others but it seemed a bit darker in my eyes. Once I did the walls became black and the sky lit up, yet shined no light in the room.

I looked around and walked in further.

This place seemed just as familiar as the first room but I could not for the life of me pin point it.

I walk to the middle of the room and just stand there. I look down the see the golden dot underneath my feet.


"(Your Name)? Are you coming to find me?"

Once again the voice but this time it was a bit more eerie.

I kept looking down and closed my eyes but the golden dot remained as if my eyes were still wide open.

The golden dot seemed to open up in a small golden flower. When I opened my eyes golden wings were wrapped around me snuggly.

I slowly opened them getting a feel for them, though I already knew how to use them.

After giving them a few tests to make sure they worked, I shot up through the sky. It become blue as the color returned to my sight.

I felt free yet I wasn't moving.

"(Your Name)? Are you finally awake?"

That voice, I knew who it was. It surprised me.

I shot up and spun around to stare into the surprised hazel eyes that bore into me.

"You're safe?!?"

My voice cracked slightly and she raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? We were talking and you just passed out."

I tried to remember what we were talking about.

"(Your Name)!"

I heard Eve's voice call and then I remember what was happeneing.

'Just act normal'

I told myself.

I smiled at Lovina sheepishly before getting up and kissing her cheek. I ran off leaving her a blushing mess.

I got out of the maze relatively easily. I ran up to see Eve who was standing there smiling.

"Did you get to explain to her?"

It's different

I nodded and saw Feliciana and Ludwig pull up.

"I'll be right back."


I ran over to the two as they got out of the car.

We just stared at each other.

"What happened?" My voice was soft as I gazed at their eyes.

"A dream I guess?"

Feliciana responded.

"It's the only possibility."

I agreed with Ludwig.

"If that is the truth, why only us three?"


"Well whatever lesson it was I don't want to go through it again."

I nodded and looked down.

I really did agree with Feli about not wanting it to happen again. I wouldn't be able to overcome the stress that time around, if it ever came.

"Why is life so difficult?"

I mumbled.

'Because everything you overcome comes with something to learn from. And when you learn from your mistakes, the odds are in your favor.'

A/n- sorry for the 2 month gap. I just you know am a huge procrastinator and SUMMER!!

You'd think that over summer I'd update more, nope I do it when I'm supposed to be doing homework. XD
No I write them during class. Any way, don't expect me to update more often because school is starting back up. I'm finally going into High school (yes I'm pretty young) and I need to concentrate. Well see ya in the next update!!!

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