The Beginning/Meeting

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~Lovina's P.O.V~

I sighed as I heard the teacher ramble on and on about the new exchange student from {Country name} coming.

I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on my work that was due today. Mid terms were coming up and I was hardly prepared. I sighed and finished up the work, quickly turning it in before the bell rang. As soon as class was dismissed, I was out the door and down the hallway. I couldn't wait to get out of the school.

I worked on a tomato farm on account of my family loving tomatoes.

As I reached the house, my idiot sister was walking around pulling the man I called "potato" around with her. Ugh, I hate that guy way to much. I also don't very much like my father. Sometimes I think that he likes my sister more than he likes me.

Anyway, I went straight to my favorite spot in the entire lot. A small little garden in the maze in the front of my house. No one knows about it on account of me making it. I dropped my stuff on the soft dirt and laid on the concrete slab that I had sat up. I sat in the sun for a little. I ended up pulling out homework and doing that while everything was still calm and peaceful.

I put everything back and snuck out and quickly up to my room. Just as I mounted the steps right next to my room I heard my name being called. "Lovina! Chica where are you?" Dad called and I huffed and jogged back down the stairs while rolling my eyes. "Si, papa?" I walked up right behind him. He turned around and gave me a smile. "Ah, mi princesa, dinner is ready." I groaned and followed him after dropping my bag at the foot of the stairs.

"Lovi, my dear where were you. I was worried?" I rolled my eyes once more and mumbled. "I doubt it..." He looked at me sternly. "I was just in the maze papa." I answered as we entered the dinning room. Dad gained his signature smile. "Okay, let's eat~" He sat down and looked up at me expectantly.

I sat down and looked at everyone. That included my dad Antonio, my sister Feliciana, and Feliciana's boyfriend Ludwig. I looked down at my spaghetti that I've had a lot recently. I sighed and ate quickly before rushing upstairs. All I wanted to do was take a shower and get some sleep! I took a quick, steamy, shower before collapsing on my bed and closing my eyes.

I was happily asleep until dad came in. "Lovi, Buenas noches mi little tomate~!" He said as he came over and hugged me giving me a good night kiss on the forehead. I smiled and mumbled goodnight in Italian before once again closing my eyes.

Bed time was the only time I seemed to like my dad, I don't believe that he ever says goodnight to Feliciana. I smiled at that thought before falling back into a deep sleep.

The next time I woke up, it was to my alarm was going off. I grinned, dad must have turned it on before he left my room last night. I got up and got dressed in light skinny jeans, a comfy light gray tank top, black boots, and a leather jacket, complete with a black and white striped infinity scarf. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs to eat breakfast.

~Now to Your P.O.V~

I yawned as I sat up in the hotel bed. I arrived in America late last night and the fact that I had to go right to school the next morning was unnerving.

I got up and dressed in loose dark jeans, a black T-shirt, red, white and blue converse, with a black hoodie. I slung my bag over my shoulder and jogged into the small kitchen I had.

I came here by myself, telling my main butler to stay and keep an eye on everything. I was here just to try to be normal for once. So, no one knows who I really am. I ate a quick bowl of cereal, and grabbed 2 donuts for the road.

I hopped in the Mazda I was lent to get around in, and drove off. I had a GPS in the car with the route to the school on it.

Its a bit strange in America how you have to drive on the opposite side of the road, but I'll have to get used to it.

I pulled into one of the student parking spaces and got out. Then a car parked right next to mine and a pissed 17 year old 200 lb boy got out of the car. "You took my parking spot!" He yelled at me. I just raised an eyebrow. "Really, that's weird, I don't see your name." He growled and lounged at me. I moved out of the way and let him fall flat on his face. He hit the ground and I leaned down and helped him up. His nose was now silent. He stared at me in shock for a moment before giving me a big grin. "You've got guts new boy." He said before walking off to what I assumed would be the nurse's office with a smile on his face. I huffed lightly and walked away before I rolled my eyes.

I walked around, a bit confused on where my class might be. I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone. At that moment, the notebooks that I held in my arms, went everywhere. I quickly grabbed the pages that came out of the books. I looked ahead of me to the person I bumped into. I immediately stood up and held my hand out to the lady. "Oh, I'm very sorry Miss." I gave her an apologetic smile. She seemed to glare at my hand, then she huffed and got up up on her own and walked away not saying anything. My eyes widened. I pulled my hand back and looked down before bending down to pick up my notebooks which were scattered around.

I sighed and stood back up straight. I heard some girls giggling. I was curious but honestly didn't want to find out. I walked up to them. I could see their eyes widen. "Ladies, could you please point me to Mrs. Riley's room?" I could see their eyes sparkle. One of them spoke up. "We're in that class we'd be glad to walk with you." She said sweetly. I nodded and all of the girls flocked around me. I felt bad now. If I hadn't bumped into that girl, I wouldn't have been rejected from helping her up. I shook my head and bit and lagged behind the group of girls.

As soon as we got to the classroom, I saw that girl from earlier. I glanced at her as I walked up to the teacher. "Hello, I am (First and Last name). The exchange student from (Country Name)." Mrs. Riley looked at me and she smiled and held out her hand. "It's very nice to meet you (First name). Your seat is in the very back, but stay up here so we can introduce you." I nodded and thanked her. I slowly walked to the back and dropped my bag on the table. I walked back to the front as the tardy bell rang. I sat there, my signature smile plastered on my face. Mrs. Riley stood up. "Everyone, I would like you to meet (First and Last name). The exchange student from (Country name) I talked to you about." I smiled and bowed. "It's an honor to be here." I stood up and tilted my head, my smile remained. Lots of girls were swooning. Well the girl I bumped into was the only one not swooning. I grinned and walked to my seat in the back. I sat down and pulled out my writing notebook. I also pulled out a notebook for my class. I was writing notes while writing my story. I did this for every single class. As I headed back for homeroom, I bumped into that girl from this morning. Except this time I looked at her through my tired eyes. I stood up and held out my hand once more. This time she took it. "Grazie Raggazo." I nodded. "Your welcome miss." I walked away, as a yawn slipped through my lips. She looked at me a bit of another emotion showing on her otherwise indifferent face.

As I sat down, the girls from earlier came over to my desk. The lead one took place in the front of the group. She nervously fiddled with her fingers, gaining the courage to ask me something. I looked at her a bit confused. "Um, (Your Name), would you like to hang out with us after school?" She finally asked, her voice shaking violently. I glanced around the room and saw the girl, who I believe hates my guts, looking a little jealous at what this girl just asked me. I looked towards the girl in front of me. "I would love too, but I just have way to much to do. I am very sorry." I gave her a sympathetic smile and she grinned. "Thank you for considering my offer." she curtsied a bit before walking with her group. I then slide over into the desk next to the girl that was jealous. "Miss, I would really like to have your name." She glared at me but nonetheless answered. "Lovina Vargas." She answered. I smiled, "You know who I am, though I would really like to get to know you better." Her frown slowly began to turn into a smile. Maybe, just maybe I could make a real friend.

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