Chapter 13

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Guys, I'm in Texas right now so I might not be able to get another update, so here's a short one to tie you over until I can get another longer one up!

We've been up all night and we were all tired. Yet I was not about to give up.

"(Your Name), you've been flying all night, get some rest."

Feliciana insisted, but I shook my head.

"Listen to her, you'll need it to continue. We all need it."

I yawned, confirming my tiredness.

"Fine, I'll sleep."

We all went back to the car and slept in there. It was a pretty peaceful day for sleeping.

"(Your Name), wake up. Wake up (Your Name)!"

I got jerked awake.

"I'm awake!"

I practically yelled earning a laugh from the now more cheerful Italian girl.

"We need to go eat, then we can continue our search."

I sighed but agreed, we all drove to a McDonald's somewhere. To be honest, I don't remember where we are.

"It's nice to eat." I admitted.

The other two agreed.

I finished quickly and was out the door and ready to go out searching.


Feliciana was calling after me.

I got to the car and threw open the door. The first thing I saw was a note. Perfectly folded into the steering wheel. I grabbed it and sat down when Ludwig came up to me.

"Don't run off like that, you scared us."

"Sorry." I said but held up the note. "Look at what I found."

He called for Feliciana and she came running.

I showed her the note and her eyes widened.

"I'll read it."

Dear Feliciana, Ludwig, and (Your Name)

I hear that you've been searching for your family members, how sweet. Listen, if y OK u want them back, come to the least busy dock in (Home Country). We'll have some one waiting for you and they'll tell you what we want and what the next step is.

Love, your Family's kidnapper

I slammed my fist into the dashboard giving it a small dent.

"They want me to humiliate myself in my own country just to get something from me! They know I won't be able to save them so they decided due to respect everyone gives me, they would punish me!"

I yelled more to myself than anyone else.

"(Your Name), come on let's get a move on so we font hurt our families."

Feliciana said and I nodded solemnly before clbing in the back and laying down.

"Wake me up when we get there." I mumbled.

Okay guys, so I had wrote more than this and it decided to delete it so I rewrote it. Here is the shorter version of the original. Thanks for reading!

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