I just wanna go home.....

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        The next time I woke up, It was white. It seemed obvious that I was in a hospital, but it didn't register in my mind at the time. "Huh, where am I?" I muttered painfully. My head being jumbled about the last events I encountered. I tried to sit up, but my head pounded, as if to say "stay down." I held my head as my right eye, the one that could actually see, surveyed the room. I saw no one in there. That's when I noticed the silence and the smell of strong disinfectant. I closed my right eye. I heard a door open, but didn't open my eye. It hurt way to much.

        "He's still not awake.......we'll have to wait a bit longer." I opened my eye and looked towards the door. "Wait," My voice cracked, "Don't leave..." I saw Antonio and the doctor. Antonio smiled and walked back over to me as the doctor left. "How are you feeling?" I stared at him. "I feel like crap....My head is killing me." He nodded.

        Then there was a gentle knock on the door as it slowly opened. My mom and dad walked in. "Mother, Father?" My voice was painfully soft. Mom walked over to my and hugged my tightly as she cried into my shoulder. "Oh, thank goodness you're alright!" She said through sobs. Dad came over and hugged me, not as tight as mom though. I hugged back to the best of my ability.

        As they let go I looked to the doctor who was standing there. "So what's wrong with me?" I asked. He sighed. "You lost vision in your left eye, and you gained a small concussion on the back of your head, that is healing normally." I nodded, "So how long will I have to stay in the hospital?" The Doctor though about it for a moment. "We'll have to keep you for testing so in about a week. My eye widened and I started to cry. "What's wrong?" I stared at my hands. "I just wanna go home right now. I wanna leave this country." Mom came over and comforted me. "I know honey, me and your Father want you to come home right now as well. But your health is more important right now." I nodded as she gave me a quick hug. "No me and your Father have to go back to work. We would love to stay with you, but we have to work 24/7." I nodded.

        She turned to Antonio. "You're the one who brought him here, would you mind watching him until he gets out, then let him stay at your house until we can come and pick him up?" Toni nodded and I started shaking.

        The thought of going back to that place scared me to no end. "No, please don't make me go back there!" I practically screamed. Everyone in the room looked at me."I wouldn't be able to stand it there. I w-would, I would have to stay in hiding!" I gripped my head and sat up, ignoring my body's protest. I shut my eyes tightly as I remembered what happened not to long ago.

        "Don't worry mi amigo, I'll make sure to not leave you alone in that house." Antonio assured me. I nodded, staying in my position. "We must get going (Your Name), we love you very much, goodbye." Mom and dad walked briskly out of the room as the doctor followed. I coughed, my throat was hurting, and it just added to my list of pain.

        I looked at Antonio and my tone was serious. "I don't want anybody but you, the doctor, and the nurses in this room. Got that?" He nodded and hugged me. "I'm letting you keep that ring. Because no matter how much her love for you is clouded over by hate. Love will always prevail. Well I must go, I have work to do. But don't worry (Your Name) I'll be back tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that, and so on until you get out." With that he left and my room was shrouded in silence once more.

         I shivered as if someone was watching  me. I laid back down and closed my eyes. My breathing was shallow as the darkness was settling behind my eye lids. I felt like the whole word was being pulled out from beneath me. As if someone was sending me into a whole other world.

         I couldn't tell if I was asleep or not but it felt like someone was in my room. Is it a nurse? Probably, they come to check you and change your IV, so yeah that's who it is. I convinced myself. That was until I heard a voice. "Wow, You look so beat up." Wait, I know that voice. "I didn't realize it was that bad." I then felt a hand on my face. This is definitely not a nurse. But who was it? That voice, it's.....familiar. "I'm sorry (Your Name)." That person saying my name confirmed who is was. 

What is she doing here!?! 

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