Chapter 8

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A/N: there are some errors but I have been working hard to get this out. Please do enjoy. Vote, comment and let me know.

The throne room erupted as if a Neathon hive had been kicked. Every guard in the room pulled their weapons and circled around their lord. The courtiers scrambled to get out of the way and avoid the upcoming bloodbath. They all knew this was going to be messy as hell and none of them wanted to end up part of the mess. The king's guards snapped their weapons out and circled around the throne. One shoved Theik back away from the king. When they did he grabbed the slave and pulled her back with him. When he reached the side of Zephara he growled at a guard. "Secure the female and search her. I am about positive she is the assassin."

One of the king's guards checked on the king and stood up and bellowed out. "The King is dead. Lock down the palace. Nobody gets in or out." His eyes glanced around the room and settled on one person. "Take him, he orchestrated this." He was looking directly at the son Theik had been looking at. That was the wrong thing to do. Even though there were more guards for the king than the various sons' guards combined the son's had more than the King.

The room was silent for a very brief moment before the son in question screamed out orders to kill anyone who approached. That started the fight and it was going to be ugly. Theik glanced at the Captain. "Have your guards work with the kings. Support them; it will make it more likely Zephara will survive."

The Captain bellowed at the troops. "Guard Zephara and assist the kings guards if possible." He already had his massive axe out. The other guards had their weapons out as well and were looking very dangerous.

Even Zephara had his weapon out and was looking dangerous. He had shoved Z'nala behind him and when Theik glanced at the tutor he had to blink since somewhere the man had pulled out two long slender knives. Where they had come from he had no clue but he lashed out and a nearby guard who had been approaching. He barely saw the knives flash before the guard went down with his throat cut. Theik didn't have a chance to make a comment before another guard approached and he was forced to fight.

For some reason moments after the all out fight was started the kings guards charged over towards Zephara and started helping. Theik was going to have to ask why later but at the moment all he cared about was keeping the young man alive. How long the battle lasted he wasn't sure but when it was over the throne room was in shambles. There were dead bodies all over the place, internal organs scattered around, and what seemed like rivers of blood.

Theik was breathing heavily and was feeling rather exhausted. He was forced to drop the head of his axe to the stone floor as he finally had a chance to look around. Zephara was being supported by Z'nala and he looked injured but not badly. The tutor was a bloody mess and had blood dripping off of his face, hair, and clothing. Considering the decapitated bodies near him Theik had a feeling the blood was due to arterial spray. There were only three of Zephara's personal guards, including the captain, left. Of the Kings guards there were more but not many. From the looks of it none of the other son's survived the massacre and that was what it had been.

Shortly after the fight had started more guards had come in and put down anyone with a weapon with brutal efficiency. The only exception was Zephara. Even Zephara was looking the worse for the wear and he had blood splattered all over his body. It was obvious he had used his axe since it was bloody and had scraps of tissue hanging off it. Even Z'nala had her knife out and there was blood on it. "Well fuck, that was interesting." His eyes met the captain of the king's guards as he was speaking.

The King's Captain gave Theik a very slight nod before he bellowed out again. "All guards protect the heir apparent. Ensure he comes to no harm or the punishment will be harsh. Your deaths will be slow and the stuff of legends." The people in the room froze again before looking at Zephara and bowing down.

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