"good night reez"

"good night priya"

That was the first time, reeza stayed at my house. i dont know why i feel good just with her presence. she is like my family. the rivalry between reez and val seems never ending. i like that, they go to the very end of being idiots. well they are 'my idiots', and its good they fight over me. i love them both.

reez feels comfortable with me so she prefers staying with me, but i know there is something wrong with her and she is not telling me. whenever i take this topic up she just says something and escapes. she wont let me talk about it. Her mother does not stays at home much. she always flews around the globe expanding her business. Whenever she comes to home, reez comes to me. i dont understand what is going on between them. i am glad she leans on me, but she never ever talks how is her life. she does not shares her pain. she sometimes takes medication to sleep. she never lets me know whats wrong with her. it is killing me to see her suffer. 

it is almost four months since i came here. karthik comes on some weekends and for festivals. we all go to picnics, amusement parks, shoping malls what not any where that is fun must see us. val is the centre of attraction everywhere. reez also joins us depending on her schedule. she is a work holic. of course i am too but that only limited to my office. hey i am the team lead now, congratulate me.

you have no idea how i felt when i received my first salary. i am pretty much rich on my own now. i sand gifts to all my family members right away. my dad is teasing me wow you are getting rich already. they seem to settled a bit just like me, but at sometimes i really wanna get back to home, but that is for moments only. now i am able to handle myself.

hey sorry i forgot to tell you guys my krishna idol came the next day of the dinner. He is so great. He looks more handsome in person. We became great friends. 

it is just another weekend. karthik did not come home this weekend, said he has work. val is on a family trip to her grand parents. she is so excited about it. reez called day before yesterday. she sounded fine. she said she is busy so i didn't call her again. and Me? i've desided to live a lazy life for two days. i did not woke up at 5 in the morning instead i woke up at 9 which is pretty much late. i had a brunch, after that i washed my hair. i wore a saree that means i miss home. i brought a lot of sarees with me as they remind me of my beautiful home. right now i am wearing my favourite one. it is plain and soooo smooth and sooo comfortable. it is of silver colour,which my mom says suits me so good. this saree brought so many memories and home like feel. that is why i love sarees. they are like home.

'oh it is so comfortable'

i almost become the laziest person on the planet earth. i slept a while again, and woke up watched a movie ate again. my hair is still wet so decided to take care of it. i sat on my big swing, TV remote is in my hands. i am changing the channels rapidly. i am swinging so slow matching my lazyness. my hair is moving with the air and i am playing with it. 'hey, this is fun. i love being lazy'.

"ting ting" my most irritating doorbell rang.

"ugh, i don't wanna move i am so lazy" i cried.

"ting ting" it rang again. 

"ting ting" it rang again. This time i  know i cant ignore it.

"ugh" i sighed the angriest in my life.

i walked so angrily. whoever it is i am so gonna kill them.

"Whaaaaa" my voice died after i looked who is in front of me.

he is shocked to look at me or i dont know scared? i know i look like an idiot to him in this, but do i look that scary. scary enough to scare him off? Why my luck goes to Europe trip every time he is around. i have no idea what to say.

"i cant reach reez since last night" he said avoiding my stupid hospitality. his voice is worried.

"what?" i said as i dont get the fact that how can she not be reachable. she is always careful, she is not the type to run away, and she wont do anything stupid.

"did you tried to call her? did you go to her home ? did you go to the stores?" i dumped all my questions on him, 'how can she be missing'.

"her phone is switched off, i went to her home. her mom is back, and reez is not at home. i went to all her shops and she is not there" he answered all my questions and that to in order he must be a memory geek.

"okay i am coming. i think i know a place. we'll search there"

i locked the door right away and the next thing i know is that we're in his car. i asked him to go to the store where me and reez first met.

"i already went there she is not there" he shouted at me impatiently.

"please trust me on this one. let me try this. please" i said peasingy. his anger did not scared me but made me feel sad. he thinks i dont care about her.

he sighed angrily. we reached the store. 

when he said her mom came i felt something bad. These days she actually comes to me  when her mom comes home. this time she didn't. something terrible would have happened. i am so scared right now. she's hurt and i am not there for her. this is really killing me.

i ran into the store. i ran to the third floor. there is a room behind the stock room. its door is a painting. everyone thinks its a painting. no one actually knows what is it. This room is my last hope. reez once showed me this room and said 'this room is the only place that i feel safe'

I stood in front of the painting. 'what if she is not there?' my concious asked me i have no answer for that.

i can here walters foot steps running behind me. "What the hell are you doing?" 

i prayed krishna wishing her to be there and slowly opened the door behind it.

We both stand there at the door to see her sleeping on a small bed next to the wall. my tears started falling down my cheeks. i held the door for support. 'she is here'

walter started walking in and i stopped him. 

"she is hurt. please dont wake her up. she is so  tired. she needs rest." my voice broke. he stopped when i said that and looked at me but i am in no position to care what is happening around me.

'i am sorry. i dont have the right to be called your friend. i am so sorry for not being there for you. i am sorry'

no matter how many times i apologise her it wont be enough. i walked to her and sat next to her. i hold her hand in mine. my tears wont stop. i sat there like that no idea how much time.

"priya" he called me.

"uh" i looked at him.

"Thank you" he just said that and left. 

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