One shot

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Here is that one shot I was talking about. It is an excerpt from my book The Galaxy Goddess. It is about a young girl who finds out she is immortal. Enjoy! Oh and you have to read this to understand this next chapter! :)


I meet the heroes
Hikari's P.O.V
We walked out of the hearth and I was met with stares. "Who is this and why is she here?" A man who I assume is Zeus asked. He beckoned me forwards. "Father-" Apollo starts but Athena stops him with a look. "Why are you in my throne room without permission? I have every right to blast you to ashes." Zeus thunders. (See what I did there?)
He glares at me but I don't flinch. I decide to make him more irritated. "You smell wike sulfur!" I exclaimed causing Hermes, Apollo and Posiedon to laugh. "Why you insolent little!" Zeus exclaimed. I cocked my head to the side. My hair swished causing the room to be filled with the smell of roses and chocolate. "Awwww!" A certain love goddess squeals.
I smile sweetly at him. Zeus looks away. "Lord Weus I am Hikari." I said curtsying. "So polite! She must get it from her mother!" Aphrodite says while glaring at Apollo.
"Hey!" Apollo says offended. "Why are you here?" Zeus persisted "Iris sent me so I can train at Camp Half-blood for fwaiting skills. My mother is peaceful and my father is a bum. Or that's what she calls him." I said looking at him from under my eyelashes. He nods. "I will weave now." I said. I heard Apollo say "that was my daughter she is a goddess so don't worry."
I made my way out of the building and onto the streets. I was walking torwards Long Island when I bumped into someone and fell on my butt. Unfortunately for that person my inner dragon wanted to come out. "HEY! Watch where you're going!" I exclaimed.
"Mabey you should watch where you're going." The person retorted. "Well Mwaybe if you were paying attention and not being a kwutz this wouldn't have happened!" I practically shouted. The person looked up it was a boy with sharp features and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I'm arguing with a kid! Way to go Travis you knocked over and fought with a four year old." He muttered to himself. I huffed in indignation. "I am fwive if you must know!"
Oh my gods I'm getting too into this act. I guess that makes it more believable. He smiled at me. "Is that a condescending smile?" I asked enraged. "Wow you know big words where are your parents?" He said. "None of your business." I said sounding snobbish. "My name is Travis Stoll and you are?" He introduced. "I'm Hikari and that's all you need to know. Besides I don't talk to the help." I said.
I know it's mean but it's my inner dragon and I can't help if my inner dragon is a female dog. I think some of my wolf was in the mix. "Im going to leave before you insult me more. Man kids these days are brats." He mumbled the last part probably thinking I wouldn't hear him. What ever.
I made my way to a secluded part of the road and teleported to Half-Blood Hill. I walked up the hill and stood outside camp borders. I then heard a rustling noise behind me. I turned around to find my self facing a man-bull thing.
The Minotaur. I requipped a gold sword from my weapon choices of all the materials in different demensions. The beast roared at me. I then remembered my front and got rid of my sword then took a deep breath. "AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE" I screamed at the top of my five year old lungs. (She looks,sounds,and acts like a five year old but speaks like ash eighteen year old since she learned at that level. Seven years of her life were replaced by fake memories but made it seem like it was eleven years and the other seven were memories under a fake identity. I know it's confusing.)
Percy's P.O.V
I was relaxing by the lake with the seven and Thalia when a young girl's scream filled the air. "What was that? Jason asked. "A scream." I answered. "No duh Kelp Head!" Thalia said. I got up and ran torwards the sound.
I got to the hill and saw my old friend the Minotaur. There was a small little girl cowering in front of him. He walked over to her and grabbed her hair. She squeals and starts to struggle. I have to do something.
"Hey meathead!" I yelled catching his attention he dropped the little girl. "Owwwwiiieeee!" She groaned. I uncapped riptide and charged. I dodged the Minotaur's horns and brought down my sword in an arc turning him to dust. I then turned to the little girl she slid backwards. "Hey. Hey. It's okay I won't hurt you." I said in a what I hope was a soothing voice. She whimpered and slid closer. "Yeah it's okay I'll protect you. There's nothing to worry about." I said coaching her on.
Hikari's P.O.V
I really was taking a liking to Percy but in a little sister way. I don't think I'll ever see him in a romantic way. He is just to, well from my personality reading he is kind but not my type (Percy:That's what Nico said!)
Percy's P.O.V
The child slowly inches my way. "My name is Percy what's yours?" I asked kindly. She blushed and looked down. "My name is Hikari." She whispered. By now she was right in front of me. "Can you tell me what happened?" I asked. "My mommy told me that I have to come to this camp and she, she dropped me off here then left and after se left the monster came and it tries to hurt me!" By the end she was crying. I tentatively hugged her and she buried her head in my shoulder and cried.
Aphrodite's P.O.V
"Wow this kid can act!" Apollo exclaimed. I nodded she has Percy wrapped around her finger. Poor boy,he has no idea he is dealing with a genius five year old goddess. I understand what she's doing. She'll get Percy to train her. Smart girl.
Percy's P.O.V
I picked up Hikari after she was done crying and carried her into camp. "Hey Perce what was that scream?" He asked as he along with the seven jogged over to me. "It was Hikari." I said indicating to the now half asleep five year old. "Awwe is Percy actually being nice?" Thalia asked. "Well all of the young campers see Percy as a father figure so I'm not surprised." Piper said. I gently shook Hikari. "Nani?" She asked. I looked at her confused. "Warships wa eigo o hanashite inai nodesu ka?"(What am I not speaking English?) She said. We all looked at her strangely. "What is your name" Annabeth asked cautiously. "Watashinonamaeha Hikaridesu!" (My name is Hikari!) She said. "Um what language are you speaking?" Piper asked. "I thought I was talking English sowwy." She said pouting. She is super adorable. "No it's okay." Thalia said gently.
"No it's not you didn't know what I was saying" she said eyes filling with tears. "No! No! Don't cry it's okay. No harm done it's okay. Please don't cry!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Percy, Annabeth is this your daughter?" A familiar voice teased. "No this is a new camper Connor." I said. Hikari looked at Connor. Connor looked back at her.
I just noticed she has big brown eyes. Connor melted. I think if se tried she could get people to do whatever she wants them too. "We should head to the Big House now." I said I walked carrying Hikari to the Big House. "Chiron I have a new camper. But she's kind of young." I called out.
-----------time skip two hours on which welcome videos were watched and fake Iris claiming happened-------------
I walked out carrying Hikari. We decided to go to the Dining Pavilion. Chiron said Hikari will stay with me since she won't leave my side. Wait how will I use the bathroom? How will I change? How will I shower!?!?! Soon I was in front of the Dining Pavilion. I whispered to Hikari. "Do you want to eat with your siblings or do you just want to meet them?" I asked. "Meet." She whispered.
I walked up to the Iris Cabin's table. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey Percy what do you need?" Butch asked me. "Oh this is your n-n-new s-s-sister Hikari." I said struggling at the end because I was unsuccessfully trying to pry Hikari off. "Hikari you have to let go" I coached. She just hugged tighter and all of a sudden a loud crack filled the air and I fell to the ground in pain.
"Ow." I said weakly. "Oops! Sowwy Pwercy." She giggled. Instead of helping me she just runs and laches onto Annabeth. "Um. Percy are you alright?" Butch asked me.
An Apollo camper came over. "He somehow managed to hit a nerve in his spine and break two ribs." The camper said. "How did you do that Percy?" Connor asked.
Annabeth's P.O.V
"Um did anyone else see the death grip the little kid had on him?" Macy an Athena camper asked. I looked down at Hikari. "It was an accident!" She exclaimed. "How did you do that? Your amazing kid!" Clarisse exclaimed. I ignored Clarisse. "That wasn't very nice you hurt Percy. I know you didn't mean too but you have to apologize." I scolded. I immediately regretted that. Her eyes filled with tears and her lips quivered. "Gomen'nasai. Watashi wa hontōni chan kizutsukeru tsumori wa nakatta pāshī-NII-chan!" (Sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt Percy-nii chan!) She exclaimed sounding distressed. I had no idea what she said and by looks of it no one else did either. I decided to just pat her back.
All of a sudden Jason came running into the Dining Pavilion with a five year old boy that looks like Hikari. "Guys this is Hikaru I found him being chased by a hellhound." Jason panted. "But he only told me his name and refuses to talk." He continued. Hikari stood up and walked to Hikaru. "Zeref! Naze koko ni imasu ka?" (Zeref! Why are you here?) She asked? "Ā! Watashi wa anata o mi ni kimashita!" (Oh! I came to see you!) (A/N I do NOT speak Japanese this is google translate so most likely there are some mistakes)He responded.
Hikari nodded seemingly pleased. Okay they must be from the same place. Hikaru grabbed Hikari's hand tightly. The Aphrodite girls awed. She led him to me and latched on again this time Hikaru joined. "Excuse me Hikari do you know Hikaru?" Chiron asked gently. "He is my twin brother." She said. "I'm older!" She boasted cutely. Aphrodite then appeared. She ran to Hikari and scooped her out of my arms. "You are to CUTE!" She exclaimed.
-------------time skip five months (five earth land weeks) cuz I'm lazy---------
Hikari's P.O.V
I got Percy to train me and I decided I don't need the magical training so today I reveal my self as I walked to Chiron I randomly remembered when I met Travis again.
I was walking through camp. Well more Percy was walking and I was on his back when Connor ran up. "Hey Hikari meet my brother Travis." Travis looked at me and I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you again Travis." I said sweetly. He looked at me again. "Oh I remember you! Your that kid who crashed into me then snapped on me and called me 'the help'!" He exclaimed. I shook my head. He just rolled his eyes. "Well let's go." Percy said and started walking. Travis turned to look at me and since no one else was looking I stuck out my tounge and pulled on my eyelid. "Connor did you see that. That kid is mean!" Travis exclaimed.
flashback end
I arrived at the Big House and asked Chiron if he could gather everyone in the arena. He obliged and I made my way to the arena.
Ten minutes later everyone is here. They are all chattering. I went up to the mike. "Excuse me if I could have everyone's undivided attention?" I asked earning shocked looks.
"Well I am not a demigod and for the past five months I have been hiding the fact that I'm a goddess. I am the same. But unlike the other gods I have a limited choice of looks to change to and all of them are younger than fourteen. Also my brother is a demigod but immortal. I also have an older brother." I said. Sadly while I was talking I didn't see the Stolls setting up their prank. I continued on with my fake part of the story. Then suddenly I was drenched in water. "Aiiiiieeeeeeee!" I shrieked
Annabeth's P.O.V
"Aiiiiieeee!" Hikari shrieked. All of a sudden there was a "poof" and when the yellow dust dissipated a child that looked about seven or so sat there soaking. Except the child had ears and a tail. "Thanks a lot Stolls you made my ears and tail pop!" She pouted. Oh my gods it's Hikari. A car horn filled the silence. "Oh that's Paul bye. Come on Hikari." Percy said. Hikari will be staying with him he asked Sally if he could have a guest over and she agreed but she doesn't know it's a five year old. "Actually I have to-" she started but Hikaru cut her off. "The portal won't work for the next five months." He said. "Never mind lets go Percy." She said. And ran off.

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