Chapter 1

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You just got back home from the mall. It was the last day of Summer. The last day of your freedom. The last day of staying as far away from your family as possible. But it was the last day before the new dance season began. Dance was the only thing that you were excited for. You got to see the little dancer tomorrow and help them with the most simplest of moves but you loved it because they actually like you. They aren't like other people that judge you before they even know your name. They were the opposite.
Mom: y/n, go to sleep. You need to be ready to wake up tomorrow for the first day of school!
*sigh* the first day of school..... They day you see everyone at their best. New personality. The day you figure out which clique you went with that year. Annoying Preps, nice preps, the ones in the middle, cute nerds, nice nerds, and annoying nerds. But according to the principal "we don't have a clique problem at this school. Everyone talks to everyone and no one is ever left out".
He's not fooling anyone but himself.

You put your pajamas on and lay in bed with the light off. You can't go to sleep so you go on Instagram. You keep scrolling through all the pictures with people saying "ootd for the first day!" And "can't wait to see my friends" and of course "does anyone have any classes with me?!?" was that time of the year again. You decide to just close your eyes and try to sleep
In the morning you find the cutest outfit you could possibly find for the first day. Nothing too casual or else people will think you're boring and have no life. Nothing too fancy or people will think you're a rich decide to go with the high waisted shorts you got over the summer and the perfect shirt that goes with it.
Mom:" y/n, the bus comes in ten minutes"
Ugh! The bus. The only reason you like riding it was because you could talk to your best friend Bianca. She was always there for you when you needed her. Then your other best friend, mikey. You and mikey have been friends for over 4 years now and you and Bianca have only been friends for 2. But they haven't changed like a few of your other "friends".

You get to the bus and wait for it to come. After about being 10 mins late it finally came, you got on and found a seat towards the back. 5 minutes later Mikey gets on a sits by you.
Mikey: "hey beautiful. Long time no see"
He gives you a hug. It had been a long time since you've seen your friends. You were gone all summer seeing family members that didn't even talk to you. Going back to school may be an upgrade from that.
You guys talk for a little bit and 2 stops later Bianca gets on the bus wearing a summer dress that everyone would love.
Bianca: " Hey y/n...... Hi Mikey."
Bianca had had a crush on Mikey ever since she moved here 2 years ago.
You all catch up and talk about summer and then you all get off the bus and go to Who could tell the difference right???? Ok maybe you were over exaggerating a little but school was the last place.....second to last place you would want to be. But this year you told yourself that you would make the best of school. Make new friends go to parties, try not to get bullied as much, and lastly, stop cutting and starving yourself.

It had been 3 months since you've last cut and about 6 months since you attempted to attempt suicide. No matter how hard you tried you just couldn't do it. You couldn't do that to Mikey and Bianca.
You walk to your first hour. Math with Ms. Johnson. One of the most annoying teachers you could get. No wonder she was still single at age 50. Second hour chemistry with Mr. Baker. The teacher who tries too hard to be funny. Third hour Spanish with señora Ramirez. The lady who always wore heavy make up everyday. Baby blue eye shadow and bright red lipstick. Fourth hour English with Mr. Greybeck. The teacher who always gave homework. Fifth hour health with Mr. Wren. He was pretty young and attractive for a teacher and all the upper class-men kissed up to be his favorite student and maybe something more. Sixth hour was history with Mr. Clearwater. The nicest teacher at school. You didn't have a 7th hour because your gym credits came from dance.

Later after school, you, Bianca and Mikey go to the pep rally. Apparently the principal had some pretty big news and everyone had to attend.
You get to the gym and its packed. The only room left is at the top, right in front of your ex boyfriend, Donny and your enemy, Chelsea. He had his arm around her and they were making kissy faces at each other. You almost wanted to throw up after remembering what he tried to do to you. He looked up right before you got to the seat and he winked at you.
You: " I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back"
No one knew that you and Donny had dated. He didn't want anyone to find out that you to were dating because he wanted to make sure that you guys were "meant for each other". And obviously you weren't.
Bianca: "ok."
You ran into the bathroom and started breathing hard. You got light headed. You splash some cold water on your face and go back to the gym. You decide to just stand at the door.
Principal: "Good afternoon everyone. How was the first day?!"
No one answered
Principal: "well I'm sure you all are wondering why you are here"
More silence
Principal: " we all just hope you know that there will be someone famous coming to our school, Mr. Jake T. Austin. He will be joining us tomorrow and I want everyone To treat him like a normal person. Don't ask him for autographs and pictures. Just be nice and cool about everything."
You leave before you the pep rally is over. When you get home you head straight to your room and lay in bed.

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