Chapter 34

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Part 34

Dakota's POV

It's too warm for me so I wake up. Without opening my eyes I push the duvet down to my hips. All better...

I put one of my hands under my head and try to get back to sleep. When I'm really close to that I hear small giggle. What the...

I open one eye and figure out that it was Jamie. Of course, who else could it be ?

He's sitting next to me with computer on his lap.

I open another eye and change my position to have a better view of him. Maybe it's dark but I can see his bare chest that is moving up and down with his every breath. He doesn't like to sleep in a shirt so usually he's wearing only his pajama pants.

Or sometimes I have this lucky day when only thing he's wearing are his boxers. It happens after we have sex. He doesn't have enough strenght to move then, so sometimes I can feel every inch of his body for all night.

-Too warm, baby ?-he asks without turning his head to me.

I smile and lean on my elbows.

-A little...Why you don't sleep ?

-I'm not tired.

He still doesn't look at me. He seems to be really focus on the screen in front of him. What can be so important ? I never thought that I can be jealous because of some computer. I can't help and smile at my thought.

-What are you doing ?-I ask.

He finally turns his head to me. Immediately we smile. I just can't look at him without even the smallest smile.

-Come here-he moves his arm so I can rest my head on his shoulder.

When I'm comfortable I look at the screen and I'm really speechless.

-House ? You looking for a house ?

He just nods. I look up and our eyes meet. He doesn't seem to be embarrassed or something like that. He behaves like if I suspected that he would do that.

-Are you tired of me already ?-I ask trying really hard for it looks like a joke, but it isn't easy at all since I still don't know what is this all about.

Fortunately he takes it as a joke and laugh.

-That will never happen love-he kisses my forehead and pulls me closer-We decided that after we end filming we'll move to your apartment to New York right ?

I nod. It's true. We thought that this is the best idea. First premiere of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' is in three weeks in Berlin.

We both have some other movies coming out soon. But when we end filming the time before premieres will be free.

So then we can have time only for ourselves. We talked about it a lot and made a decision that we'll move to my apartment in NY and see what will come next.

Actually I'm really happy about it. I haven't been there for ages. Before I left I gave the keys to my trusted friend. She was suposed to take care of my flat.

-Don't get me wrong-Jamie says again-I think it's perfect idea, but I would like us to have something that will be ours.

I can hide my emotion. I really don't know what I can expect from him. He doesn't stop amaze me. Can this man be more perfect ?

-Baby...-I move closer to him and start to kiss every inch of his face-That's so sweet...

He giggles, for sure pleased by my action and my compliments. I know how much he likes it.

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