Chapter 10

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Part 10

Dakota's POV

-Hi mom, it's so nice to see you.

She hasn't changed at all. How she does that ? Each time I see her she looks the same.

-Hello baby, I missed you so much-and after a second I'm in her arms. As much as I love her hugs this time she overreacted.

-Mom stop, you're choking me-immediately she pulls out and looks at me.

-Sorry, I'm just so happy to see you.

She smiles at me and I see in her eyes that familiar feeling of mother's love. Oh, mom.

-Did Stella and Antonio come with you ?

-No they couldn't. Stella is sick.

-Really ? That's pity, but I hope she's okay.

-She's feeling better now, but Antonio has to stay with her.

Antonio always was really caring, for me too when I was a baby. He's really great guy.

-I have hoped to see them.

-I know, they were so sorry. They wanted to meet with you too, especially Stella.

We laugh. Now I really start to miss my little sister.

-You want to come in ?-I ask.

-Yeah, why not.

When she starts to take off her jacket I'm startting to be nervous. I told Jamie to wait in my salon.

I have never been so nervous, even when I was introducing other boyfriends to my mom.

-Well, I see that you're having a guest.

I forget about Jamie's jacket that is still hanging on the tab. I don't respond, and my mom just smile.

-Is that the reason you were so busy, huh ?

I blush and look everywhere but not at her.

-You know mom....I just....I....

-Dakota-she says calmly taking my hands in hers.

Firstly I'm afraid to look up but when I do that I'm surprise that she's smiling.

-You're adult. It's normal thing that you have boyfriend. And I'm really happy that finally you get up after your last relationship.

I smile trying to hide my tears. Stop, Dakota. You can't look like that now.

-Lets not talk about Matt , okay ? He's not the one one who is important.

-You're right. It's past. So lets go, I want to meet your prince.

I laugh. Oh my God. My mom an her lyrics. Is he my prince ? He said he is mine, so I think that it's true. Quickly I correct my hair and wip my tears. I take a big breath. Okay, let's do it. I make my way to the livingroom, and my mom follow me.

When we enter Jamie is sitting on the couch. He seems to be nervous, maybe more than me. He's even more handsome if it's possible. He gets up as soon as he sees us. Our eyes meet and I give him look full of loving. It's surprising how easily I can be full of care while I'm around him.

I glance nervously at my mom, and I see that she's really surprised. Now I remember that she heard about our new Christian Grey, and probably she knows how he looks like. But soon her surprise is replaced by mostly soft gaze. I breath sight of a relief. Okay, step one included.

-Jamie this is my mom Melanie Griffith, mom this is Jamie.

I look how they exchange handshake.

-It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Griffith-gallant as usual, it's good, my mom likes this part of charakter.

-The pleasure is all mine Jamie, and please call me Melanie.

I see that Jamie is much more relaxed now.

-As you wish.

-So when I'm here would like to go out with me ? For a lunch ? Today maybe ?-she asks.

-I would love to, but...-I don't know what is stopping me.

Of course you know, Dakota. I move closer to Jamie and weave his fingers with mine. Maybe I'm getting crazy but after last night I want to spend this weekend with him.

I'm lucky that my mom immediately understands what I mean.

-And of course I hope that you will come with us Jamie-she says turning her gaze to him.

-But I don't want to disturb you-does he always have to be so polite ? I love that part of him but now it's really unnecessary, because I want him to go with us. He just have to.

She smiles her most convincing smile.

-Nonsense. I would like us to meet better, moreover I don't think that Dakota will move anywhere without you-now she's turning her gaze at me. She did that on purpose.

Mom ! I blush and hang my head down to hide it. But I feel that Jamie squeezes my hand so I look up and meet his full of tenderness eyesight.

-She's not the only one-he whispers without taking his eyes of me.

If it was possible I would blush even more. But suddenly I realize something. I even don't want to think about what could have happen if we go out together just like that. It's definetely too soon.

-Wait, I think we should meet here at my place.

-Why ?-Jamie asks.

-What if some paps catch us ?

Both my mom and Jamie are silent for a moment.

-You right-finally my mom speaks-If they will see us together there will be speculations, rumors. And it's not good for relationship that just started believe me. But I think that here is good, at least we'll be able to speak in peace.

-Great. So, what about five ? We can have a dinner, what do you think mom ?-I ask.

-Deal. I will you see you in a couple of hours.

-I will walk you out-I say when I finally leave Jamie's side.

-See you soon Jamie-she's turning to him again.

-See you.

I walk my mom to the door but before she leaves she's turning to face me.

-He's really nice, young boy darling.

-Yes, he is-I say smiling.

-I have never seen you so happy.

-Because I have never been so happy-I answer simply. It's true. I'm the happiest woman on Earth right now.

-Do you love him ?

What ? Do I love him ? He's important to me, very important. Like nobody before. When I'm with him I'm happy, really happy. I could watch him smile forever. Every inch of his body, of his soul is like a piece of gold. He's perfect and I still can't believe that he wants me. But I know that I would do anything to make him happy, comfortable, loved. He deserves that. He's special because he's himself. He's Jamie.

-Because I think that he loves you.

What the fuck ?!

-What ?-I ask, my voice too shrill and shaking.

-Come on, Daki-I even don't notice that she called me by this awful nickname-I saw the way he looked at you. If man is in love you can see it in his eyes. Believe me I saw it. See you soon baby.

And then she kisses my cheek and walks out just like that, leaving me with my thoughts. For some reason what she said makes my heart jump in joy. Did Jamie really could love me ?

PS:Another chapter ! I have more free time now, so the chapters will be updating more often. As usual, please comment, hope you like it.

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