Chapter 32

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Part 32

Jamie's POV

I'm so happy that we don't have to be on set tommorow. If we had to I would probably be unconscious all the day. The flight was long and really tiring. I only wanted to lay in bed and don't get up through next twenty-four hours.

I close my eyes when Dakota's small hand slid into my hair. I can't stop my moans when her fingers start to massage my head. It makes me calm, makes me forget all my thoughts. And she perfectly knows that.

I have my head on her chest. Without opening my eyes I'm nestling more firmly into her body. She giggles.

-Comfortable, huh ?

-You don't know how much.

She giggles again and I feel how she kisses the top of my head. Hmm...It's the nicest thing ever.

I inhale her scent. She even doesn't have to wear any perfume. Her natural scent is dazing without no additions.

-Can you believe that are only two weeks to the end ?-she asks.

I know she means the film.

-Hardly...The time is running so quick, isn't it ?

She moans in response.

Four months...Four months passed.

Since I have been on the audition, since I got the part. And what's more important since I met Dakota.

I know we're not together for very long, but the last few months have been wonderful, magic, the best. I never experienced something like that with any of my previous girlfriends.

And the only thing I want is it never to end.

-What are you thinking about ?-she whispers, her hand still in my hair.

I rise my head up to look at her.

-About you.

She smiles.

-You always do that.

I shrug.

-It's your fault.

-How come ?

I let my fingertips slid down her cheek.

-You made me fall in love with you.

-Is that so wrong ?-she asks. By the look on her face I know she's teasing me.

-Well, it could be better-I joke wrinkling my nose.

She hits my arm couple of times before she explodes with laugh. She's for sure the funniest person I have ever met.

Maybe not as funny as I'm, but she is funny.

I smile at my thoughts.

I love that she understands me so well. She perfectly knows how to recognize my tune.

She knows that when I'm angry I want to be left alone for a while. She knows when I'm joking, when I'm hurt. I think that the fact that she seems to be prepared for my every next move makes me love her even more.

And also I think that for such a short time I got to know her well.

I know that when she's sad, she wants to be hugged. When she's angry she wants to be left alone, just like me.

I know that when she's concentrating, she's bitting her lip. She also does that when she's ashamed.

Just like Ana.

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