Chapter 26

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Part 26

Jamie's POV

I walk out of my trailer already dressed in Christian Grey's clothes. I have never worn so many suits in such short time. But I think I have to get use of it. It's Grey's style.

Making my way to the set I still have Sam's words in my head. Family, kids, marriage...

Of course I would like to become a dad one day. But could Dakota be the mother of my kids ?

Immediately I imagine her with a blue-eyed baby boy. Or girl...They're both smiling, playing with each other...

I can't stop my smile. This dream is so wonderful, I can even hear their laugh. Dakota would be a perfect mom. If in this world is any woman that could be mother of my kids, my wife, my family it's only her.

She is my family already.

Wife ? I never met woman who I could see as my partner for the rest of my life. But her...Who knows.

Dakota Dornan.

I giggle. Perfect. Maybe, someday. But for now I'll keep her only to myself. I turn into the next corridor when something stops me.

-Excuse me.

I turn around to see that some man is walking toward me. He's rather tall, good looking I think he's about sixty or something like that. I haven't seen him before. But something in him is so familiar.

-Yes ?

-Sorry by interrupting, but could you lead me to the set of "Fifty Shades of Grey" ?-his voice is deep, strong.

Now when I look at him more carefuly I could swear that I know him.

He wants to go to our set ? I haven't seen him there before, and I don't think he's the one of the cast.

-And you are ?-I ask.

-I beg you pardon I didn't introduce myself-he says reaching out his hand-Don Johnson.

I want to slap myself. How could you be so stupid Dornan ? Of course. Those eyes, this smile...Quickly I take his hand and shake it. Concentrate now. Deep breath.

-Jamie Dornan.

He rises his eyebrows in surprise, but quickly he have a smile on his face again.

-Well, I have luck today. Because I hoped to meet you as well.

-Really ?-if he wanted to meet me he probably knows who I'm.

He nods.

-I wanted to meet the man that charmed my daughter-he smiles.

I smirk.

-I'm the one who has been charmed-I figure out that I'm much less nervous than I thought I would be in this situation-So, if you sir want to talk to Dakota before we start filming we should go now.

-Oh, yes-he waves his hand-After you, and you can call me Don.


-Dad !-I look at Dakota who now is in her father's arms.

-Hi, baby-girl.

-Why didn't you tell me that you wanna come ?-she asks after she pulls out.

-I wanted to surprise you.

-Well, you reached your goal.

They laugh. And now I have perfect occassion to see how much they have in common. The same gestures, gazes.

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