Chapter 3

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Part 3

Jamie's POV

When I enter the place where I'm going to meet the rest of the cast I still think that all of that is only happening in my head. I mean, I already took parts in some movies, but this one will definetely be the most important in my career. I know I'm in the right place when I see Sam. She's deep in conversation with Erica when I approach her.

-Jamie, you finally here. Did you have any problems with getting here ?- she asks before I tell something.

-Hi Sam, Erica. No, actually the road was quite well. Are everyone here ?

-Yes, and we want you to meet someone special. Come on, follow me.

I enter the room after Sam and Erica. I see some people whom I met on the casting. But then one person catch my eye. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Gorgeous. Brown hair who are shinning in the sun, and those beautiful baby blue eyes. I feel my heart starts to beat faster when our eyes met. Someone special, indeed. I come closer to her and we still don't pull out eye contact. When we're in front of each other she stand up.

-Dakota this is Jamie Dornan, Jamie this is Dakota Johnson.

-Hi-she says shyly. Come on, you have nothing to be shame of.

-Hi-I answer when we handshake. I feel impuls growing in my whole body, when our hands meet. I even feel it down there. Fuck !

-I'll leave you two alone for a second, so you have the chance to meet each other.

Sam smiles and quickly back to her work.

-Your accent is familiar, where are you from ?-she is the one who starts conversation, and I'm really happy about it.


-Really ? I've heard it's beautifull.

I think that I aroused her curiosity. Nice move.

-Yes, it is. Have you ever been there ?- I ask. Now we're sit facing each other, so I have better view of her.

-No, but I would like to.

-I could be your travel guide-I don't even know why I said that, but I breath sight of a relief when I see that she's giggling. It's so cute, she looks even more beautifull, more everything.

-That would be great-she says after she stops her giggling, but she still have a small smile on her face.

-Maybe now you'll tell me something about you ?

-And what would you like to know ?


-Tell me something about your family.

-My family ? Well it's a long story.

-I love long stories.

I won't give up so easy.

-Okay. So my mom is Mellanie Grifiths and my dad is Don Johnson, they both are actors. They got divorced when I was a baby.

-I'm sorry.

-They're better now, than when they were together. My dad is living now with his new wife, and my mom with her husband but they're have some problems so I don't know if they will be together any longer.

-Looks like your parents don't have lucky in love.

-Yeah, it was always like that.

-Do you have sister or brother ?-her family seems to be really complicated. Some people really have a big problems.

-Actually I have two sisters and four brothers.

-Wow-big family.

-Yes-another giggling- I have two older brothers Alex and Jessie, Deacon and Jeason are younger than me. Also my sisters Grace and Stella are younger.

Impresive. She really has big family, but I start to think if it's happy. Her parents got divorced many times I bet. But she seems to be strong. And her parents are famous actors. I wonder if she wanted to be an actress or if it was her parents idea. But anyway I'm happy that she's who she is. Because if she wasn't I probably would never met her.

-Your turn-she says.

My turn ?

-For what ?

-Now it's your turn to tell me something about you.

-Fine. As you already know I came from Ireland, and my dad is still living there, he is a doctor. I also have two older sisters.

-And your mom ?

I knew that question will come. It was years ago but it still hurts. I take a deep breath. It's seems like I'm one of those who have big problems.

-She died when I was sixteen. Cancer.

She close her eyes and cover her mouth with one hand.

-Jamie I so sorry, I didn't mean....I didn't know I'm really sorry.

-It's okay. But even after all those years it's still not easy.

My heart stops when I feel her hand on top of mine. I look up and I meet her blue eyes. I know what she wants to say. I can see it in her baby eyes. She understand.

-I can't say that I know how you feel because I don't. I even can't  imagine that. But I want you to know that I'm here. We will be working together for some time, and will be spending much time together, so I want us to be friends. Of course if that's okay with you.

If that's okay with me ? Why wouldn't it be ? I'll get the chance to know much more about her.

I take her hand and raise it to my mouth and offer a gentle kiss on it. Her skin is soft, so delicate. I wonder if every inch of her body feels like that.

-Thank you.

She blush and lowers her sight down to her lap. At the same time Sam came to us. For another hour I tried really hard to focus on what she was saying but it was pretty hard. Escpecially when Dakota was siting opposite me.

Friends ? Fine, why not. Or maybe it could be something more ?

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