Chapter 15

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Part 15

Jamie's POV    

Hey, it's Dakota I can't pick up now, leave a message.

Seriously ?! Again ?!

-Dakota, it's me. Call me as soon as you get this. Please, I'm worry about you.

Fuck ! I already left her nearly 20 messages. Maybe more. She should be here an hour ago. I knew that something was wrong with her. She seemed to be so scared, so confused. I didn't knon why and I still don't.

And now she's not at work, she even didn't call to say that she will be late or something. I call again. Now I start to getting angry.

-No ! I will not leave the fucking message !

I sit on the couch in my trailer and put my head in my hands. I'm trying to calm down my nerves. I can't be in this state right now. Think Dornan.

First I wanted to go to her place. But I decided that it will be better if I wait here. Every next minute of her absence was making me getting mad. Each person that I asked for something was telling me the same: Don't worry she's probably stuck in traffic, or maybe she overslept. Or maybe she's sick, and you don't know about it.

Of course I would know about it. She would have told me. I have to do something. I don't know what but if I won't see her soon I will get crazy.


-Sorry Sam, but have you seen Dakota today ? I wanted to...-I stop trying to find perfect words, because I can't tell her about me and Dakota, not yet-I wanted to talk to her.

-No, but she won't be here today-she says, seems to be really calm.

What ? One of her main actors won't be at work and she doesn't seem to be worried at all.

-What do you mean ?

-Eloise told me that she didn't feel well. Today is Friday so I'm sure that if she will lay in bed the whole weekend she will get better soon.

I almost didn't hear the last part of her sentence. Eloise told her ? So she must know where Dakota is and what's wrong with her.

-Do you know where she is ?

-Eloise ?-she asks, and when I nod continue-She's in her trailer.

-Thanks-I quickly turn around and walk in the direction of Eloise's trailer. But suddenly I'm stopped by Sam's voice.

-Jamie, are you going to see Dakota ?

I nod again.

-Say hello to her from me.

I don't say anything just smile. I'm sure how my smile looked like but it was the best smile that I could do right now.

I'm impresed by how quick I found myself in front of the Eloise's door. I knock and luckily after a second she standing here.

-Jamie ?-I quess I really surprised her.

-Can we talk ?

I don't want to go by all those: Hi; What are you doing here; What do you want. I just want to know what's going on. 

She nods and let me in. When I turn around she's still having very surprised look on her face.

-Tell me where Dakota is, please.

She open and close her mouth couple of times.

-What ?-she finally asks.

-Tell me where she is.

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