Chapter 6 part 1: Talk about sassy...people call me the sassy one HA !

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H- HAHAH i can assure u it is...what do u mean by choice?......are you sure ?

A- Okayyy! i believe u then *Really doesnt* :P ...dont please change of subject !!!! :)

L- see for some reason she keeps 'politely declining' every offer that i have to spend some time with her. So my thought about that and also to see if shes really lying to me is if....i ask her to the movies or something, me knowing that she will decline...but ill get one of her friends from uni...that im also good buds with...and get him to ask her out somewhere after me on the same night....i havent thought the place as of yet...and instead of him turning up i will....also if she declines me and accepts a different guy on the same night it will mean thats shes lying to me....make sense? i hope it did :/

A- OMG thats a great idea...only problem is that you realise that you too will probably have a fight after that for lying to her...:/..instead of trying to fix things with her she will get pissed and probably yell at you for trying to trick u want that?

H- *shakes head* silly silly are you still in school ?

A- shuush you :P.....yeah...i have less than a semester to go then im finally finished !! Thank goodness...i hate school. your lucky u didnt have to finish it..

H- COOL! So that means your 18 soon yeah ? we can finally meet up and go clubbing !!...:)...yeah this is true xD (A/N i think they had to finish their school work but not actually at school...idk? lets just say for my story they didnt have to finish school...kayy :)

A- Yeah im 18 in about a month and a bit...idk if im going to have an 18th though...:/....yeah for sure.. :) id love that....i hate u -.-"

L- honestly...i have no idea...I want to fix this not cause more fights...but then again all she has been doing is lying to me so how is it any different? you know what i mean? Were barely even talking now and its seriously killing me inside...i love her so much and when she acts like this, i start to think that she doesnt reciprocate the same feelings. And then i wonder if she ever did really like me for me and not just for my fame.

 A- i understand everything you just said...seriously...and honestly there is no are just doing what you need to do to talk to your "GIRLFRIEND" because it seems like your the only one putting in any effort into it ...Shes missing out on a great guy right here, who obviously loves his girlfriend unconditionally...and if she doesnt see that than thats her problem Lou. You need to figure this out NOW before you waste anymore time on something thats not worth it.

H- SWEEET !!!...whhhaatt ?!? whyy not ? they are the best parties :O you get wasted, not happy Aria, not happy....YAY! i actually want to meet you :) you seem like a nice girl :)....:O one can not hate Harry Styles.

H- you there?

A- messaging Lou atm too.

A- Because i hate everyone at school...i dont want them all in my house and i dont want to spend a whole night surrounded by them. There are plenty of ways to get drunk Harry.....I want to meet you too...but not yet :P ...thanks :) *blushes* ...*sigh* this is true


H- Haha why do u hate everyone ? Thats fair enough...but think about all the presents you would get ...;)...Yeah come to the club on your 18th !! we'll get you drunk...YOU DONT WANT TO MEET US YET?! why not? ...awww you blushed cute :)....yes its very true..

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