Chapter Six

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Mason Point Of View

Why is Alex mad at him? What did he do? What did Maggie say to her in the library after he left? Was it even about him? He let out a sigh as he walked down the stone path in the park.

“Mason!” Maggie’s high pitched voice called. He heard her before he saw her.

He muttered a brief “hey”. Before turning to look at her. She was wearing a black tank top, and a skirt that was a little short for February.

“What’s the matter?” she asked cautiously.

“Huh?” He asked, and then focused on what she’d asked. “Oh, nothing,” he shrugged.

“Come sit,” she grabbed his wrist and started pulling him towards a bench underneath a cherry tree that hadn’t yet turned pink.

“Okay.” he took the seat next to her.

“Do you like anyone at school, Mason?” she asked.

He looked at her, she was good looking; not super model good looking, but she wasn’t his type. He didn’t even think he had a type. He was Maggie’s friend, kinda, but he didn’t want to date her. He couldn’t read her mind; she was blocking those thoughts from his access. “Not really,” he decided, it wasn’t a lie; but it wasn’t the truth either.

“Well,” she walked her fingers up his arm. “Do you think you could consider someone?”

“I don’t know.” he shrugged.

She leaned closer to him. He could feel her breath on his cheek, she was so close. Her lips touched his, seconds before he realized what she wanted. He didn’t feel anything. Absolute zero, nada, zip, zilch. No spark, no nothing. He pushed her away from him abruptly. “I’m gay.” he blurted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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