Chapter Five

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“Why would I have feelings for Mason?” I asked myself as I walked up my drive way, I’d been thinking about what Maggie said all day. I tried my hardest to block Mason from reading my thoughts, and it worked so far.

 “I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m awesome and an amazing best friend.” Mason’s voice rung in my ears.

I jumped and dropped my books. “Oh my god! Mason!” I screamed.

“Your thoughts are pretty cloudy. You okay?” he asked, ignoring my scream of terror.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I muttered and picked up my books.

“What happened after I left the library? Should I have stayed?” he asked, following close behind me as I opened my front door.

“I guess,” I murmured.

“I don’t know what that was an answer too, but, you guess what?” he stepped in front of me.

I looked him up and down quickly. He stood slouched, with his hands in his pockets and a small frown on his lips. He was wearing dark blue jeans, and a black t-shirt with white writing that read ‘If you can read this, F@#k Off. You’re too close’ and of course it really had those symbols instead of the letter ‘u’ and ‘c’. He was wearing black combat boots, and he was breathing lightly. I guess Maggie was right.

“Did your mom buy you that shirt?” I asked, looking at him.

“Uh, yeah? I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Would you just answer my questions? Please?” he dug his hands deeper into his pockets, his black hair covering his eyes.

“No.” I shook my head.

“Are you mad at me? What did Maggie say to you? ‘Cause it’s probably not true.” he flipped his hair out of his eyes.

“What she said was true,” I moved around him and walked up to my room. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the park with her now anyway?!” I shouted at him as I slammed the door shut.

I hated over thinking things. Why does every girl like Mason? He’s just like every other guy in the world. He burps, he makes inappropriate comments, he eats like a pig, he doesn’t clean his room, he plays sports, et cetera, et cetera. So what if he has the ‘bad boy’ attitude? An attitude is an attitude, right? I mean, I might have that dull gothic attitude sometimes, but that doesn’t mean that’s what I’m really like, does it? I smile, I laugh, and I have fun.

With Mason, it’s all with Mason a voice said in my head.

What the heck? That wasn’t my voice, and it wasn’t Mason’s. Maybe it was conscious, telling me something important. Or maybe I’m just going bonkers. “Alex,” he knocked on my door.

I didn’t say anything. He was supposed to be hanging out with Maggie at the park walking distance from here.

“What did I do?” he asked.

Apparently I knew nothing about my best friend. What was he like when I wasn’t around? Is he a whole ‘nother person? Or was I just blind to what was right in front of my face?

“Alexandria,” he whispered.

My whole world came crashing down in that second. I threw the clock on my bedside table at my door. I didn’t want to hear him say my name like that. Ever. It made my stomach feel like it was about to drop out of my body, and like my head was just going to rocket off my spine. It was a sickening feeling, the same feeling I got when my mom yelled at me, or when my dad left the family when I was six. I hated that feeling more than anything. It made me feel vulnerable, and small, like I wasn’t important or even alive.

“Let me in,” he stood outside my door, not bothering to knock any more. He knew I was upset, and if I let him in he would just fix everything like nothing even happened, like Maggie hadn’t even talked to me.

“Mason, Maggie called for you.” Jake said outside my door.

“Tell her I’ll be there in five minutes, okay?” he murmured.

“Mmkay.” Jake’s footsteps moved away from my door and back downstairs.

“Talk to me, Alex.” He almost demanded.

I shook my head, even if he couldn’t see it. I wanted to be alone, I wanted to think. I felt something press against my thoughts; Mason was trying to get in my head. I blocked him out; it was harder than before because I was upset, or sad. I was feeling something. And it’s not as easy to control your emotions as you think.

A torn piece of paper slipped underneath my door, I didn’t bother to get up. I’d read it later. I could hear the wind from Mason running past my door and towards the park down the street.

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