6. Blow the Whistle

Start from the beginning

"Fine." I rolled my eyes "I'll wear a different shirt, but that's where I draw the line."

Cassidy grinned and clapped her hands. "Deal!"

Ten minutes later and I was really doubting my ability to appear normal.

The shirt she'd given me didn't meet the top of my jeans. In fact, there was a good two inches of skin showing. I'd tried to hunch over but then Dez started calling me Quasimodo, which made me second-guess the whole humpback look.

The party was being held at the main lobby.

Things couldn't get that out of hand, right? I mean, it was a school-sanctioned party.

It wasn't as if they'd have drugs and alcohol or anything.

Uncle Jo had warned me about mixing alcohol with my prescription. Apparently it made people get drunk like twice as fast. Meaning, if I took one drink I'd be dancing around the lobby with a lampshade on my head. Well, at least I wouldn't be self-conscious about my short shirt anymore.

The minute we walked into the lobby, people stared. It wasn't the type of stare you got when you had food in your teeth, more like, a curious stare. Maybe it was Dez.

I stood closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around me and Casdidy.

"This happens a lot with Dez." Cassidy laughed and landed a mock-punch to his biceps. "People can't figure out if he's mental or just different."

"Thanks, Cassidy." Dez' eyes narrowed in her direction then he whispered in my ear,

"But for the record, I'm uniquely hot."

"Of course you are," I said patronizingly.

He threw his head back and laughed. I didn't think I could ever be attracted to him, but something about him seemed comfortable, like if I asked him to drive me the four hours home to Bickelton in the middle of the night, he'd say okay and buy me coffee while he was at it. I'd never really had a friend like that before. It was nice.

So not boyfriend material attracted, but attracted to him as a friend.

"So..." Cassidy's gaze scanned the crowd. "Where is he?"

"Your mystery man for the night?" Dez asked as he walked over to the punch and got us each a cup.

"No." Cassidy's eyes continued to dart around the room. "Austin Moon. Where is he? He's the RA, so he has to be here—"

"Do I?" a smooth voice said from behind us. "See, I thought I just had to make an appearance. I didn't think anyone would actually be searching me out."

Other than the music pounding through the sound system, it was quiet. I could tell people were trying to hear what he was saying as they edged toward our little group.

He all but ignored Cassidy and Dez. His eyes focused only on mine. "You came."

"I was forced."

"Coerced." Cassidy rolled her eyes.

Dez watched the exchange with open amusement.

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