First Night in the Wilderness

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Diego and I left Scions Village around 6 in the morning. We traveled all day by trials and through dense jungle. He was right. We don't need a Maserati where we're going.

"Is this your first hike Sam?" Diego asked as he used his machete to carve a path through the forest.

" Yes. I've always traveled within the United States but never out of it. I live in Chicago."

"Exactly where I expected a millionaire heir to be from."

I smirked. "Billionaire."

Diego rolled is eyes ducked under a low tree branch, I did the same.

"Well that's where I was raised. Before my parents lived in California with my two older sister's."

"I see. But you haven't even been camping?"

"No, not really. I've stayed in a fancy log cabin before, but never out in the sticks."

" Well this will be quiet an experience for you then! You've had smores before haven't you?"

" Smores? "

"What type of an American are you?! We still have a little chocolate left, I'll teach you how to make them. But we can't cook for too long when we stop. We don't want to attract any wild animals."

" What?-"

Just then I tripped and fell face to face with a fuzzy trantuala. Are you kidding me?! It's beedy eyes just glared at me.

" Don't move!" Diego warned. "Trantuala do not strike, unless they feel threatened or frightened. If you yell or jerk away, it's bite will be fatal. Remain calm and slowly back up."

I gulped and nodded. I moved back, careful so the creature wouldn't follow, and stood up. We were silent. The trantuala gradually crawled away into its hiding spot. A sigh of relief left our lips, as if we were holding our breath the whole time.

Diego chuckled and slapped me on the back " Better get used to it Sammy boy. That's not even the worst part."

"What's worse?" I asked.

" Well black caiman, anaconda, parana, arapaima, electric eels, giant otter, candiru, bull shark, vampire fish, pacu, giant parana, killer wolf fish, killer catfish, piosonous snakes, piosonous plants, and-"

Just then we heard a ferociously, blood curtailing roar. It sounded far away, but it had a powerful echo. It was enough to scare us, and it seemed to concern Diego.

"Jaguars." He whispered.

"Jaguars?!" I repeated.

" Yes jaguars. Or...Mapanguri..." a distant look of fear flashed through his eyes. " We must keep moving. Fast."

With that Diego made his way through the jungle even faster as I struggled to keep up. I was fit, but my body was not use to working this intensely. To keep in shape I swam. But I'm not swimming in these deadly fish inhabited waters. I was super tired and it was only lunch.

Wait lunch. Food!

" Diego, it's 12 o'clock. Lunch time!"

" Did you not just hear that roar?!" Diego fumed, swerving around to look at me. "That was the hunting roar of a jaguar. We're being hunted! I'm getting paid to get you to the Coxswain Village alive. I don't want to drag your bloody mauled corps back to your family. If you want to live I suggest we keep moving! We will break in 1 hour."

I let out a dramatic sigh as we trugged on. I did want to live obviously but I was starving. I decided to take out a granola and eat it on the way. Diego looked at me with disgust. I smirked and shrugged. I made sure to shove it in my mouth, to rub it in his face. He was hungry too. The 60 measly minutes passed by like years. When Diego determined we were far enough from the source of the roar, we stopped for lunch.

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