Driving with Diego

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When I woke Daniela was gone. But she did leave my clothes out for me like I asked. I had to meet up with Diego today. This is my last day of civilization. I sighed at the thought.

No phone, no Internet, probably no conversation for days because my guide probably won't speak good English. No eye candy either. And no way to call for help or my family if I'm in danger... just perfect.

I dressed himself nimbkh and double checked the luggage in my backpack. After tark care of personal hygiene I left to meet Diego. Before I knew it, the limo had dropped me off in front of the bar, where he was sappouse to be. Diego called and said he was running behind schedule. I made sure to reassure him I was in no hurry.

Well since Diego is late, I might as well check out this place here.

He walked inside the bar.

Wow. What a little whole in the wall. My god it's crowded.

The bar wasn't the like elegant ones I'm used to. The carpet was thin beneath the soul of my boot. The little bar seemed run down, yet it still was in business. I made my way to a stool and took a seat. The bar tender spoke little English but understood enough to get me a beer. He took a sip.

Eh. Not bad.

I just happen to glance behind me to notice two men arguing. I did not realize I was staring until they made eye contact with me. Quickly, I turned my attention back to the drink. But before I knew it they were next to me yelling in some gibberish I couldn't understand.

"I'm sorry?" Sam said unsurely "Do you speak English?"

The scolded him more and one of them held him by the collar of his shirt.

What the heck?! If he thinks I'm gonna stand here and do nothing he's got another thing coming. This idiot better watch himself before I really give him something to be ticked off about-

I clenched my hand into a fist about to strike until I felt someone stop him. It was Diego Cortez.

"Sam, are you mad, what on earth did you do?"

" Nothing! I swear I didn't do anything! These imbeciles are-"

Cortez pulled me away from the two strangers. He spoke quickly and calmly to them in their native tongue. They yelled at him too. He walked me cautiously out of the bar to make sure the men didn't fallow.

" What's their problem?" I huffed

"Their drunk." Diego smirked "Here is my vehicle, let us go."

His car is an older model of a jeep... what a piece of junk. I thought he was doing a bit better financially.

Diego noticed his confusion and joked "This is the type of car I use when taking people through the Amazon. We don't need a Maserati where we are going, Sam."

I got in the passenger seat and we went on our way, talking as Diego drove.

"How long will the drive be?" Sam asked

" About 4-5 hours. It might be dark when we stop so we might have to sleep in here for the night. Then in the morning we'll start the hike and-"


"What did you expect Williams? We can't drive every where. The hike will take a few days too. The Coxswain tribe live in dense jungle on elevated ground." Cortez explained

" Elevated ground?" Sam inquired

" The elevation is similar to that of the Appalachian Mountains in America. Slightly lower of course. "

"Holy sh-"

Diego eyed me, disproving.

" Shoot." I inished.

" Do you have a family Sam?"

"Just my parents. I don't have one of my own. I don't really plan to."

" Why is that?"

"Well, the commitment. And finding someone who appreciates what I do-"

"There are alot of women who love history and classical things like that. It shouldn't be that hard."

" Well it is if you are a man of wealth and status. Which I'm sure you understand. People pretend to get something from you and I'm sick of spoiled bi-" I stopped myself "snotty women wanting me for my family's wealth."

" So your parents want you to marry someone of your own status? "

" Preferably, yes"

"That's the problem, my American friend."

"What's the problem?"

"Trying to keep your heir in your own social class. I thought that what America was about, the under dog fighting to the top. I can see now why it's so hard. If you looked out of your shallow mind set, out of your class, I guarantee you will find exactly what your looking for."

"Oh really? You know this how?"

" Becuase I had the same problem. "


"And I married out of my social class. My parents approved of her becuase my own had humble begging and clawed our way up to the top. Americans think they came up with the under dog story, but in reality they didn't. That story is the struggle of the human existance. I've been married for 25 years and I have a 12 year old daughter. And so far I think I have a pretty good happily ever after. Once you find your perfect other, life is never the same."

I think I like him. I thought.

So I asked " What's her name?"

"My wife's name is Jaide. My daughter is Sophia."

" It sounds like you have a great family."

" Yes, yes I do. Its a shame though." Diego sighed

" What?"

"You don't have one yet!"

"Ok no way man, not gonna happen."

"HA, famous last words, that's what every single person says."

I rolled his eyes and looked out the window. We already looked like they were in the middle of nowhere. And they still had a long way to go. Eventually Diego grew tired and had to switch places with me. We would take naps when the other was driving. Finally we came to our stop to set up camp and eventually begin their hike.

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