The annual party is coming soon and everyone there expects me to be single and ready to marry and pop children out. Don't get me wrong I love kids, I want four when I'm ready for kids, but in the mafia world everything is fast paced. The mafia world is probably more dangerous than the biker world, mixing the two worlds together is a big problem. How would I explain this the Marco, Alanzo, or even my mother. I stare looking at Mathis while he looks at me, I know he knows that there is a big turmoil in my head, I feel him take my hand. I look down for a split second, when my father leaving pops right back into my head. I know it's wrong of to judge Mathis for what my father did, but I as well as my brother Gabe do have abandonment issues. I couldn't bring Mathis into my world, I won't, god why couldn't Mathis just agree to the annulment. But then again Killer might have found out who I was in the hotel, so I doubt he would let me leave.

I pulled my hand and stood up walking towards the window. I heard him sigh before getting out of the chair and coming to stand behind me. "Doll, don't be like that. I know you're pissed and I know you've got trouble brewing in that head of yours, but that doesn't mean you should pull away from me. Please let me help." Mathias asked pulling me into his embrace.

Doing that reminded me that we can never happen, at least not with Luca around. He'll make sure I never get any happy endings if may it be with Mathis or someone else, Luca will always be taunting me. I pull myself out of his embrace, stopping myself from going back into his embrace. "You can't help me with this Mathis. This is my problem and no one elses." I told him.

"Trust me, let me help." Mathis almost pleaded.

"You know what I want to know. Where is that big macho badass Grim? Yeah I heard about everything you did, Grim is short of Grim Reaper. When Killer wants someone dead that he can't get to, he calls you. Is that why you were in Vegas? And is that whole Grim Reaper thing an act, because I sure as hell ain't seeing it here." I practically screamed at him. Taking my anger out on him.

"Yeah, that why I was in Vegas, but how I got my name isn't. I'm not showing you that side because I want you to be able to feel something for me like I do with you, or at least make you stop denying it. You've got it somewhere in your mind that all bikers are big and scary, and leave when they're afraid of commitment or something better comes along. I'm just trying to show you that, that isn't how I work, when I find a women I want so badly as you I keep her, I don't let any other man have her. Call me selfish I don't give a shit, but forgive me for trying to help my wife get used to this new world and try and comfort her as much as I can. Ariabelle, I just want you to trust me for fucks sake." Mathis yelled anger showing through those eyes of his. I really touched a nerve.

He walked out of the bedroom slamming the door shut behind him, I flinched when he slammed the door felt like he was walking out on me just like my father. I fell onto the bed speechless, I know I can be quite the bitch, but damn. That was harsh, wasn't like I didn't deserve it. I know that I look and act like a cold hearted bitch around the mafia members, there I knew I what I needed to be and who, here I'm totally confused on how to act, do I be myself or be the bitch, or a mixture of both? I'm still reeling from the kidnap to the torture to getting married to finding my brother and father. It's all overwhelming and I know I need to talk about everything in more detail, but if anybody here knows, they would go on a suicide mission. I don't want nor need anybodies blood on my hands, I'm going to have my revenge one day. I was so into my thoughts that I hadn't heard the door open and someone sitting down next to me. When I looked up I saw it was two ladies, had to be old ladies because they didn't have their body on view like the posse of whores. 

    "Don't cry sweetie." One of the women said.

    I didn't even know that I was crying until she said that. I got up and walked to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my makeup running down my face, this is the one thing I don't think my mom would like, she always told me that in the world of outlaws to never cry, not even in front of the ones you trusted the most. Crying in front of strangers is something my mother would have a heart attack over, she wouldn't know if she could trust them, and I don't know if I can either. The women by the door I briefly saw when I pulled into the club today, she was with my father, I guess he actually gotten married after leaving my mother. I knew there was no way I was going to be talking in front of her. I went back into the room ignoring the women as I went and grabbed my small little makeup bag hidden in the back of my bag. Going back to the bathroom I quickly fixed my face before going back out to the bar. I need more alcohol, a lot more because I have a feeling that tonight will be a long night.

When I walk back out to the bar I see Mathis and another one of the sluts near him. But the moment she saw me she backed out, but the other slut didn't even care. I'm eyeing the slut when Killer sits next to me. Looking at where I'm looking at then looking anywhere near me to make sure I don't have any sharp objects next to me. Too bad he doesn't know about I small knife in the inside of my jeans. I'm just watching right now to see what Mathis would do, when the slut came up on him and started rubbing her nasty ass self all over him and him doing nothing about was enough with me. You say you're trying to get our marriage on the right track by getting me to trust you, but then you can't even swallow your pride and push her off, why would you say that if we you get angry you're just going to turn your back on what you just told me. I noticed the slut staring at me before giving me a smirk.

"Don't do it Airabelle." Killer warned in his cold tone of voice.

"Too late." was all I said before reaching behind me and throwing the third knife of the day at that slut.

I stuck by my warning since she was the slut that I warned. I threw the knife right at her chest. As soon as the knife struck her chest, she fell onto the floor while Mathis was looking dumbstruck. Killer turned towards me and gave me his best glare. I just shrugged and rolled my eyes. The posse of whores were still as loud as ever if not more loud, since their leader just got a knife through the heart. I swear their screams can make your ears bleed and give you a headache. Killer was still glaring at me, when I turned back to look at him but I felt eyes on me. Mathis was looking at me with a confused face, that's right you son of a bitch you can be confused all you want.

Dad came out when the screaming wouldn't stop. His wife was right behind him, going next to Killer while dad was looking at the body. Wasn't much of a body, she was so fake. From her eyebrows to her lips down to her boobs, stomach, ass and legs, she was fake, fake, fake. Not to mention she was stick thin, like she had no muscle, weight, or even body fat on her. Was she trying to kill herself? Don't know how she was so popular with the single bikers, she had no meat on her body for them to hold onto during sex. Mathis started to walk over to us when through the window he saw a car driving through the compound gate. Cars started to drive into the compound and surround us, every biker in there started to forget about the bitch and head into the weapons room.

I know they weren't going to beat the intruders. Wanna know why? Because they are trained, they are members of the mafia of Luca's family mafia. See this is why the Biker and Mafia world should never mix, and I done just that. How stupid could I be? I started heading to the room, when I was stopped mid step. I wanted to help, but what could I do without causing attention to myself. The only way that was possible was to go find Killer, course I wasn't going to tell him the full story of how I know these guys, but only that I could help and only if he helps me would his clubhouse and everybody inside be unharmed. Well hopefully that is.

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now