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Leah POV

"I love school shopping with my Baes." I said into my phone for another video on my snapchat story.

"You snapchat way too much." Aqua said looking at iPhone cases in rue 21.

"And you have sex with Calum too much and you don't hear me complaining." I laughed as a mother covered her daughters ears.

"Can you guy keep your conversation PG we have kids in this store." the mother said.

"I'm sorry for all the dicks that I used in a conversation." I said as the mother rolled her eyes and walked away with her daughter.

"Yeah never have kids in your future." Aqua said.

"Duh. Why do you think I have that drawer by my bed? It's full of condoms." I smiled.

"Don't condoms expires." Joey said coming back from the bathroom.

"All have you know, I have tons of sex." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah with whom?." Joey smirked.

"Your man... oh wait you're single." I laughed walking up to the cashier lady and giving her the clothes that I'm buying.

She racked up all my clothes and put them in a bag or two. Aqua went to the cashier next to me and her cashier lady did the same.

"That would be 207$." She looked at me and smiled.

I handed her my card and she swiped it and gave me my clothes.

"So what's the scoop for Calqua this year?" I asked Aqua as we're walking out the store.

" Hm you guys are going to have to wait and see. I don't kiss and tell, but to be honest hope this year isn't any drama between us cause I don't like fighting with him." Aqua said texting whoever she was texting back.


This is the last chapter. Hope you guys liked the story. Next chapter is a Q&A chapter so send me your questions. :) meanwhile I'm on to writing the last book of this series.

Hate YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora