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Calum POV

Me: hey I really miss you and I know that we haven't talked just about the whole month but I really want to hear a reply from you. I just can't seem to get you off my mind. I'm all lovestruck.

2 hours later

Aqua: you can't just do this Calum. I have a boyfriend now

Me: wait wat?

Aqua: I'm sorry I should've told you

Me: it wasn't my place to know but I'd wish you told me before it happened.

Aqua: I'm sorry I've been busy going to parties and clubs

Me: I've started a band

Aqua: nice wats the name

Me: 5 seconds of summer

Aqua: BAHAHAHAHA what kind of name is that

Me: geez .. but were 5SOS for short

Aqua: you guys are now 5Sause to me

Me: lmfao that's even worse than our band name.

Aqua: when do you have a gig

Me: we had one last Friday

Aqua: record the next one and send it to me I wanna know how bad you guys are

Me: we are actually pretty local here in Texas

Aqua: yeah I doubt it

Me: do too

Aqua: do not

Me: I'm not gonna fight over this cause either way your gonna win

Aqua: duh

Me: so how's are you

Aqua: Gucci wbu

Me: prada lmfao

Aqua: I'm really Tom Ford

Me: I've been Aeropostale lately

Aqua: Ha Gayyyy

Me: yeah totally

Aqua: you're such a harlot haha lol

Me: you put haha and lol in a sentence cause they mean the same thing

Aqua: yeah you right I doubt Obama would approve

Me: hahah you watched that too

Aqua: no I just saw the tweets

Me: close enough

Aqua: does this look right?

Aqua: -new picture message-

Me: dayum bae sexy as frock

Me: -new picture message-

Aqua: lmfao we just sent virgin nudes

Me: wtf 😂 what is that

Aqua: GTS

Me: ?

Aqua: Google That Shit

Me: lmfao I'm dead


Aqua: CLEAR!


Aqua: CLEAR!!!

Me: ___/\_/\_/\__

Aqua: finally you have a pulse

Me: haha I gotta go water

Me: band practice


Do you guys like the new covers?

I made them

And I will be making a cover book so I can make covers just for you guys.

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