I sniffle and get rid of the thought. I open the computer and see didn't expect to see.

"Hey kitten"


"Michael I can't tell you yet. You'll blame yourself and I can't let that happen." I sigh looking at him through the computer screen.

"Can I speak to Luke at least?" His voice cracks.

"Shit he's coming. You probably can, hold on" I whisper to him before slightly closing the screen.

I read the sticky Luke's gives me and smile at him. I stare at his puffy red eyes and fresh tear stains and know he was in his room crying his heart out. I decide to avoid the topic. I hand him my computer and watch him leave.

"Success" I whisper to myself.


No. Please no.

I feel the tears welding in my eyes as he frowns at me.


I grab my pack of stickies and sniffle as I wrote down my response.

'What?' I show it to him.

"Calum and Ashton told me that your not speaking because of something. I don't know what it is. And they also told me that you got worried over the picture but baby you don't understand. That girl was my cousin and I was drunk, and the reason I got drunk was because I wanted to be with you and then she tooks those pictures and posted them. You have to believe me" he cries.

I give him a sad look.

"Let me prove it" he sniffles. He wipes his tears away and breaths before speaking.

"Fuck face! Come over here!" He yells making me chuckle lightly.

The girl with bright pink hair shows up in the screen.

"What?" She huffs.

"Tell him the truth" he growls.

She starts explaining to me what happened and then stomps away.

"Please kitten. Do you believe me?" He asks in a soft tone.

I start writing it down.

'I forgive you'

He smiles at me and starts tearing up.

"Oh I miss you so much kitten. I love you" he cries happily.

'I love you too baby' I write.

"God I wanna hold you so tight right now. Your all I've been thinking about even since I went on that plane." He laughs.

I smile at him.

I look down remembering what happened yesterday.

"Kitten. Do you wanna talk about it?" He turns concerned.

'Um it's nothing" I write wiping a fallen tear.

"I don't like you being sad. Please tell me." He frowns. I sigh shakily before writing it down.

'Mum. She's dead'

"Oh my god Luke" Michael gasps. "I'm so sorry" he starts crying.

'I am too' I write down.

"Hey, look at me." Michael tells me. I look up at see his teary eyes.

He puts his Hand on the screen. "I love you, kitten. I'll be with you soon" he sniffles.

I put my hand on his.

'I love you so much Michael. I miss you'

"I miss you too baby" he sighs.

I yawn and flicker my eyes open.

"Go to sleep. Do you want me to sing to you?" Michael says sweetly.

I nod drifting away by the minute.

"Alright get in bed but face the computer facing you" he smiles.

I chuckle and do as told. I get warm before he starts singing softly.

'You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine,

You make me happy,

When skies are grey,

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you,

Please don't take my sunshine away,

The other night dear,

When I lay sleeping,

I dreamt to held you in my arms,

When I awoke dear,

I was mistaken,

So I hung my head and cried,

You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine,

You make me happy,

When skies are grey,

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you,

Please don't take my sunshine away...'

And with that I'm asleep.

What Happened To Us? | Sequel To "That One Moment" | CakeWhere stories live. Discover now