Chapter 17: Now What?

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Squid's POV:

I can't do anything right now. I only have to run. Run away from my friends, run away from people. I need to work alone and always alone.

"Squid! Squid, buddy! Come on! Please!" I heard Stampy yell from behind me. I heard two pairs of feet, so that means that Stamps and Lee are probably running after me. I was headed to the snow biome to cut myself off from any humans I could potentially harm, or possibly kill, will my crazy power.

I got to the edge of the snow biome and crossed the first block into the snow.

"Squid..." Lee reached out but was held back my a force field of something.

"What the..." Stampy walked up and put his hand against it also. What was going on? I put my hand on it and moved it around to see if there was a place where they could get through. None. They looked at me and understood that I had nothing to do with this force field.

"Get the others." That was the first thing I said since I ran out here. Stampy nodded and ran back to get the others while Lee stayed here with me. I sat down on the snow, not caring if it'll get my bum wet. We have more things to worry about then a wet, snowy bum.

"Lee?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He looked up from playing with the grass on the other side.

"I'm sorry. I honestly am. I mean, I had no idea what was going on. I didn't even remember getting up. I just..." I was cut off by Lee saying that he understands and that I had no control over it. I sighed and continued making circles in the snow.

About twenty minutes later, Stampy came back with all of the others panting by his side.

"Squid... Lee... What are... You doing... Out here?" Ash asked and sat down next to Lee.

"Let's just say a lot has happened during the time you guys we're sleeping. A. Lot." Lee said and looked at me. I blushed in return and looked down at the ground.  I looked back up to see my friends with confused looks on their faces and muttering to each other. I sighed and got up to talk to them.

"Look, guys, I want you as far away as humanly possible, okay? Don't ask why, just do it. No, Chache don't walk any clo..." Thonk! Chache walked straight into the force field that separated us and fell to the ground.

'Ow...' Was what he muttered when he rubbed the spot he 'injured'.

"There's a force field there, Chache." Stampy replied and Chache replied with a small 'Yeah, I can tell.'

Hahaha! I see you've discovered the true you, Squid. A voice said.

Chache's POV:

Squids eyes widened as if something spooked him.

"Squid, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Di-did you hear that?" Squid looked around and froze again.

"What? What is it Squid? What do you hear?" I asked.

"I-it's Hit. He, he's saying that I discovered the 'true me' and that I belong to him now. I-I don't understand." Squid looked around once again, but this time, he was backing away from us.

"Squid, it's all in your head. Just think of something other tha-" I was interrupted by Squid clutching his head and screaming.

"GET OUT!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!! GET. OUT!!!" He clutched his head harder and crouched down.

"Squid! SQUID! Stop it, you're gonna hurt yourself even more!" I yelled and banged on the force field, but Squids screams downed the sounds of my distractions.

"Squid, you've got to stop! Come on, Squid!" Any plea and Squid listened. He stopped, facing the other way. He slowly turned around, and his eyes the same as they were when Squid was holding Lee.

Silly Stampy! You thought that you could save your little Squid friend from going crazy? Ha! Think again. Squid said, except, it wasn't Squid. It was Hit talking through Squid.

"Sq-Squid?" Amy said softly.

Shut up, mermaid! Squid turned to face Amy. You thought that I kissed you back because I liked the kiss. Pft! Your really a stupid mermaid.

Amy looked more hurt than shocked. More hurt than I've ever seen her before. Her eyes were glistening with tears and one managed to escape. Rosie ran over to her and embraced her in a bear, well, penguin hug and Amy bursted out into tears.

See what I mean? Pathetic! Anyway, you can't stop me from doing anything since I have the shield up! Yes, it's been here for years, I've just never had to use it until now. You're little friend group will be destroyed without Squid. At that moment, a ship can flying out of a portal that appeared in the sky. We all stumbled back when Squid/Hit started cackling. The ship zoomed in right above us and slowly descended downward, toward us.

"Squid," I managed to say through my fear "Don't do this. It's not you. Just don't do it." I figured that if I can get through Hit somehow, the real Squid will come back.

Squid? You think your talking to Squid? No, you little cake cat. Your talking to me now. Me, Hit The Target. He muttered something under his breath and the ship landed next to him. His smile grew and a door lower towards him. When it hit the ground, he started walking up.

Any last words to your dear 'Squid'? He said.

"See you soon." I said. I don't know where that came from, but it just felt right.

Pft. Doubt that. He climbed on fully, at the door closed behind him. The engines started up again, and lifted off the ground. I watched the ship as it headed back to the portal in the sky.

I sighed and turned around to face the others. Amy was being engulfed in hugs by Rosie, Netty, and Sqaishey. Lee was staring up at the place where the ship left, Chache was running his hand through his hair, while Ash was crouched down with his heads in his hands. Tom was hitting his bottom lip, fighting tears from escaping. Finnball was walking over and add an extra person to the hug engulfing Amy. I've never seen my friends this sad before. I guess he was right when he said our friend group will be destroyed. No, not destroyed, just hurt. Very.


"Guys... I... We... We need to go and make plans to save Squid, starting tomorrow. We'll get out stuff ready, practice, everything we can do to get Squid back. Come on." I walked over to Amy and put my hand on her shoulder.

"O-ok." She was still snuffling from crying, but at least she stopped a bit. Everyone mumbled in agreement when Amy answered.

"Let's get going."



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