Chapter 6: And In This Corner, We Have...

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Chache's POV:

After I yelled 'PARTAAAAAA!!!' Everyone started to dance around and, I guess they party up here a lot, because I heard some music go on. "So how's Minecraft been treating you, Mr. Bacon?" Ash asked me while he danced. "Well, besides the fact that I didn't fight the Ender Dragon, which I kinda am ok about, I'm doing grrrrreat! What about yourself?" I asked in reply. "Hmm... I'm having a very great and cheesy time! Weew!" After that we all just partied until midnight. "Luckily there's torches up here so googlies won't spawn here. See what I did their Stamps? Eh, eh?" I said the everyone, most,y Stamps. "Your learning the native language very fast, Chache. Now you need to learn how to say cake with a face full of it." Stamps whipped a cake out from behind his back and hit me in the face with it. "Hey!" *Lick* "Thia is actually pretty good! Who made it?" I asked as I wiped the cake off with my hand and ate some. "Yours truly." Lee Bear bowed down in a 'fancy' way but someone stepped behind him and gave him a little nudge so he would fall forward. We all cracked up and I splattered the rest of the cake on...

Squids face. Boy, his reaction! "Hey! What was that for???" He asked after he closed his mouth from laughing. "Yum, this is good Lee! You need to make some for each of us. Well, maybe not Stamps because he has it everyday for breky, but he won't mind..." Squid said, as he snickered at Stampys reaction. "What? Now now Squid Nugget, you may not've gotten what you wanted sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't get extra cake, now does it?" Stamps exclaimed as he gave his 'serious face' to Squid. "Mate, don't you know a simple joke when you hear one? Squid laughed out. "Oh. I knew that. I was just testing you." Stamps blushed pink and he turned away from us to eat the extra cake he had in his pocket.

"Oh! Chache, we need to show you something!" Netty said as she and the rest of the gang headed somewhere and I followed after them. "Where are we going?" I asked. "It's called the clubhouse. Well, as you can probably tell, it's where we spend our extra time." Amy explained. "Oh. Ok! Let's get to the clubhouse!" I ran ahead of the group and stopped in my tracks. "Uh, were is it?" I asked. Everyone giggled or chuckled. "Here mate. We'll show you. If you can catch up!" Tom said and ran off to a giant building. "Oh then!" I ran after Tom and caught up to him. "Lead the way Tommy!" "Don't call me that!" He ran to the door on the left and went in, and I soon followed after. By then time we got inside, the others were half way here.

10 minutes later

"Now that everyone's here, we can have a sing-off!" Netty yelled. Everyone groaned and slumped down in their chair, except for Netty of corse. "Come on, it'll be fun!" She insisted. "Ok. If I'm in, all of you have to join in." Rosie said as she stood up. "Ok..." Everyone else mumbled. "In this corner, we have Chacheie-Poos, and in this corner, we have Ash Dubh! Who will win this sing-off?" Squid commentated as we went up. "Ok, Chache, you're up first. What are you going to sing for us today?" Squid asked as he raised one eyebrow up. "Well, uh, I'm going to be singing 'Everything Is Awesome' by the Lego Movie." I said. "Ok. Sing away my friend."

"Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team. Eeeverything is awesome!!! When you live in a dream! Uh, that's all I know..." I sung awkwardly. everyone slowly clapped an I took and awkward bow.

"Next up, we have Ash Dubh. And you may start singing, now."

"Cheese, cheese, magical cheese, what a day to eat cheese. Cheese, cheese, magical cheese, what a day to eat cheese! You eat it, you stir it, you pour it on your fries. You eat it, you stir it, you pour it on... Your... FRIES!!!" And with that, he took a bow. This time, he got a few slow claps and a lot of stares. "Well, good job mate.. You did, very cheesy. (Not like the bad cheesy, the good kind of cheesy.) "Thanks mate. I just made it onto spot."

Stampy's POV:

After Ash sung his song about cheese, my phone lit up with a message saying:

Amy Lee posted a video: Sing It Like Just Can't Stop!

I slid my finger across the screen to watch the video and saw just by the thumbnail that it was the battle we just saw. No wonder Amy was holding up her phone... It started off with Squid saying "In this corner, we have Chachie-Poos, and in this corner we have Ash Dubh. Who will win this sing-off?" As soon as Ash heard that, he turned toward me and sprinted to the spot next to me to sit down. "Who recorded this?" He asked. Amy kinda giggled and blew her cover and Ash went over, put his hands up with his fingers wiggling, and tickled Amy everywhere. I chuckled at the sight of Ash bending over Amy tickling her like mad. "To the theater!" Sqaishey yelled and everyone but Ash and Amy made a mad dash to the theater.


A/N Sorry it's kinda late. I worked on it this morning, but I kinda woke up late and I had a b-day party at 12-45 till 3 or so, and I got back at 3:45 about, so I'm sorry 'bout that.

Who do you want to go against next and what songs should they sing? Comment your opinion!

Nothing else to say to you guys! Stay Awesome! Peace Out! ✌️

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