Chapter 13: Training 'N Stuff

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Squid's POV:

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as they pushed me off the ship and into the darkness. I heard drinking of potions, which were probably night vision potions, because I couldn't see a thing but they kept on walking. "You'll see soon enough, Little Squiddy." They pushed me forward more violently this time and walked faster and faster. Soon enough, we were in a light jog. I saw flames out of the corners of my eyes, but it looks like they're hovering in mid air, but since that's impossible, they must be on something. Possibly netherrack. I heard a splash and glass shards skidding near my shoes and I could see clearly now. I gasped at the building that stood before me.

A nether brick castle stood several blocks up, about 30 blocks tall and 45 blocks wide. There was soul sand and netherwart for a garden of some sort in the front with netherrack in front. Flames lit up the area and I could see inside the building since the doors were wide open. The interior was as fancy as the structure itself. Red velvet chairs with redstone lamps lighting the room up. There was no torches that I can see and it was all dark and evil looking, just like HTT himself. We 'walked' in the door and into another room, one that I couldn't see from where I was standing a few moments ago. It was rows and rows of cells with one big one at the end. "And that's where you're going." The Boss pointed to the end of the corridor where the big cell was.

One of the guys opened the cell door and threw me in. I tripped over my own feet and fell on my knees when the door slammed shut. I heard the door lock and everyone was standing outside the cell, staring at me. I backed up into a corner and into the shadows so they hopefully can't see me anymore. "Go tell Hit that we have him. Then go back to your duties." The Boss said and they all went in different direction, but one of them just stood there staring at me, the shortest one, the one with the eyes that glistened dark blue everything is looked at them. "What are you going to do?" I asked. The short guy was brought back to reality with that comment. "I... We... I gotta go." He stuttered and he sprinted off toward a hallway covered by a door and shut it close.

For some reason, he sounded familiar. Kind of like... No. It can't be. He wouldn't, would he? The last time I saw him... Geez, about a year and a half ago. I just sat there staring at the place where stood before he raced off into that hallway. But would he REALLY do a thing like that? Surly he wouldn't. He was Stamps and my best friend from high school and he left for some odd reason that no one really figured out. No one but Stamps. He told Stamps he was going to leave and Stamps was about to tell me why before he found that cake. His name was...

Stampy's POV:

"Come on guys, we need to train! Ok, we need another archer since, you know, Squid's not here, so who wants to be the archer?" Lee shyly raised his hand and an enchanted bow also. "But Lee, you're the fighter too! Well, I suppose you can be the archer AND fighter. You can teach Amy, Sqaishey, and Rosie fight and shoot also. Ok, let's get started. Let me led Chache and Netty where they can mine to collect the materials we need, so you guys get to work. Oh, Tom and Ash, you can go collect food or something so we won't starve when we look for Squid and so you have something to do." I gathered Chache and Netty with me and led them to the best mine that was in my world, the one that we found all the diamonds in.

"When you want to send anything back, just but it in this chest and push the button so it'll be sent to the top. Be careful guys." I told them and jogged back to the others. When I got back I saw everyone hard at word. Tom and Ash had quite a bit of steak, pork chops, chicken, apples, and wheat already, and all they need to do now it cook it. Lee was hard at work training Amy and Rosie how to correctly use a bow and arrows while Finnball was teaching Sqaishey how to fight using a sword. I joined Lee since he was teaching two people and everything was going along fine.

Ding! The bell rang about 45 minutes later as a signal that Chache and Netty has sent something up for us. I went to go check to see what it was but Ash beat me there. "I got it mate. You can carry on." Ash said as he sent the cart and chest back down with the contents in another cart. I went back to teaching Amy how to shoot and them a few minutes later we all decided to stop and take a break. We sent Chache and Netty a signal to come up for a break and 2 minutes later, they sat down with us, sweating like crazy. "Ok, Lee and I can switch places with you two so you can take a longer break inside and cool off." They nodded their head and walked inside. Lee and I went down under and started to mine from where they left off.

"Diamond!" Lee yelled and he stated to mine them. He put it in the chest with a satisfied grin. I found so,e gold, redstone, emeralds, and some coal which could always come useful. We put it the chest and sent it up so they could craft tools and weapons. "So Lee, how've you been?" I asked to break the tension. "Um, not bad really. What about yourself?" He asked in response as he went back to mining. "Not bad, thank you. I just hope we find Squid in time. All I can do is think about how we're going to save him and what they might've done to him." I mined a few more diamonds and the cart came rolling down. I placed the diamonds in there and went back to my mining spot. "Don't worry too much mate. He'll be just fine. Trust me. Squid's a guy who won't go down with a fight (Sounds like something that'll be in a movie. Sorry. Carry on Lee.) and knowing him, he'll try his best to stay alive and come back." He said as he put a hand on my shoulder for reassurance. "You think?" I asked, even though I know the answer. I just like hearing that someone else also believes that Squid's alright. "I know so. Now come on mate. Let's get back to this oh-so-fun mining." We continued on for about half an hour more until the others gave the signal to come up and rest.

By the time we finished and got up, it was already night time. It was pretty light out since the clubhouse let off lots of light, we saw racks of diamond armor and diamonds sword stuck in the ground. "Woah! Ash, Tom, you guys have been busy! How mush food did you manage to get also?" I asked and walked over to the chest holding all the supplies and finished products. "A stack of apples and bread, two stacks of steak, one and a half stacks of chickens, and four stacks of bacon. Chache helped us with all the bacon." Ash said and Tom walked back from where he was with plates full of carrots, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and steak.

"Hungry, anyone?" He announced and everyone grabbed a plate and started eating. This had to be the best dinner I've ever seen and tasted. Well, except for the cake of course. "This is amazing Tom!" Rosie exclaimed with a mouthful of mashed potatoes. "Let's just say I got a little help from a cookbook." Tom said and everyone burst out laughing. "I knew that book was good for something." Lee said in between laughing. That just made us laugh even harder, and even some water somehow escaped my mouth... And maybe my nose. "Stampy!" Amy said and playfully hit my arm. Maybe something good did come out of this. I just hope Squid's alright. But now, I have something other to worry about...

What an I going to eat for breakfast tomorrow? One word, four letter. Cake.


A/N Hey hey hey! How have you been? I've been great, thank you very much. Sorry this update is I guess you can say, kinda late, but I honestly was busy and had to thin about what to write for this chapter. Stupid writers block!

I'm tired and I need to edit this and author stuff. See ya soon! Stay Awesome! Peace Out! ✌️

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