Chapter 12: Squid?

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Tom's POV:

I woke up to someone yelling: "HELP! HE'S GOT ME AND HE'S TAKING..." It sounded often like Squid... Squid! I jumped up and turned on the light and dashed to the window. I pulled back the curtains to see a blur shooting across the sky. I ran out my bedroom door and as I ran through the hallway, I yelled "MEETING IN THE CLUBHOUSE! NOW!" And ran to the main room in the clubhouse. A few minutes later, Stampy walked out of his room, still rubbing his eyes, with his hair all puffy. Along came Sqaishey, Finnball, Lee, and the others.

"What is it, Tom?" Stampy said as he removed his hand from his face. "I heard Squid yelling outside about someone taking him somewhere and by the time I looked out the window, a giant ship zoomed by. And I have a feeling that I know who took him." I told everyone and that sure woke them up. "HTT?" Netty asked in a small voice. "Sadly, yeah. But it could also be his minions. He has people working for him, what were they called... Oh yeah! They call themselves The Hunters, and they all wear armor like Hits, so they're basically impossible to kill unless you have the right weapons." I explained. "What are we waiting for then! Let's head over to the doghouse and see if we can find any clues!" Ash yelled and we sprinted off over to the doghouse. "Finnball, Lee, Amy, and I will check Squid's room and the others will check the doghouse. Got that?" I instructed and we split up to investigate. I always wanted to be a detective! We cautiously walked into Squid's room and once we figured out that there was no traps, we started the search.

His bed was still kind of warm, which means that it happened not too long ago. Also, his covers were neatly thrown to the side, which means he wasn't in a rush and he had no idea this was happening. He also left his shoes there, so he was planing on a quick check or something, nothing like what happened. Nothing really unusual. "I found something!" Sqaishey yelled and we al dashed over to see what she has to offer. "It's a note in a bottle. The bottle's kinda chiles, so Squid or whoever was holding it must've been startled or furious." She exclaimed. "What does the note say?" Stamps asked and Sqaishey pulled the note out with two fingers. "It says: Expect the unexpected. Your secret admirer. Secret admirer? Who would that be?" Sqaishey asked as she put the note back in the bottle. "It could be a trick. To make Squid think that he actually has a secret admirer but it's actually HTT. It's just a guess though." Ash suggested. "Know HTT, he'd probably do that. But you never know. It could've been The Hunters that did it, which is my best guess. HTT wouldn't just come out here for Squid to see and he'd most likely leave some kind of trail, because he did that last time he was here." Stampy explained.

Amy was looking around while he was talking, probably looking for some kind of trail like Stamps said. She walked over to something I couldn't see since she was blocking it from my view. I walked over to see what she's looking at and found out it was a deep cut in the floor. "Guys, come over here. Amy found something." I told the others and they gathered around. "What is it?" Lee asked. "Some kind of cut from a sword. Someone must've dragged the sword on the ground while taking Squid. It's leading outside. Let's go follow it and see where it leads." Finnball said and we walked out the doghouse. It went across the grass and over the gravel and ended at a clearing about 35 feet away from the clubhouse. How could we not notice that?! Then I noticed that Chache wasn't there with us. "Where's Chache?" I asked with my heartbeat steadily rising.

"He's making bacon for breakie. So we won't get hungry later I guess." Rosie said. "Oh." My heart went back to a normal beat and we investigated the clearing. Just a sand and gravel patch with some trees around it. There were 4 holes in a square formation that were each in a shape of Hit's symbol: Two swords crossed together with a shape behind it that looks like you splattered paint across something. (The media shows that.) "Yup, that's HTT or The Hunters alright." Stampy concluded. "Now that we know who took Squid, let's go get the supplies and save Squiddy!" Lee yelled and dashed off toward the clubhouse. Ash followed with his Superman pose and we all chased after them.


A/N Sorry this was a short chapter. I'm trying to make the next chapter longer that the others usually are, so that's one reason why. It's a bit earlier that usual because I'm going to be gone for the rest of the day.

Nothing to interesting going on in my life, really. So with that, Stay Awesome! Peace Out!

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