❝Words will be just words, till you bring them to life.❞

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"Calum?" I asked completely shocked. My bestfriend looked as shocked to see me as I was to see him. I brought him into a hug. I hadn't seen him since the day I went to prison. "When did you get out man?" I heard him ask as he pulled me inside the house. "Um, six days ago." I said looking around for Fletcher. Was she lying about this too? Bad Luke, she probably has a good reason. I scolded myself. "How'd you find me?" He asked sitting on the couch. "I asked Zayn if he could find Skye, and he gave me you address." I said looking at him. He looked different, bigger even. "Well she doesn't live here, but she's close by. That little kid is so cute, have you met him? Wait stupid question." He smiled. "Yeah, did you know that he's mine?" I asked him and his smile faded just a little. He nodded and said, "Yeah, Chloe told me. She's my girlfriend. This is her house, she's over at Skye's right now though. You wanna head over there?" I nodded and said, "Well she took my son to a different country without even a goodbye." Calum nodded and then we left. 


I laughed with Chloe as we made dinner. Even though there was only five of us, we decided to make a bunch of food. "So did you guys finally do it? Words will be just words, till you bring them to life!" Chloe giggled at me. I rolled my eyes but my cheeks were burning. "Oh we brought them to life. Several times." I laughed with her. This was girl talk, and I'd missed it. Even if I was only gone for seven days. We were making pizza, well it was in the oven now, but we were still cleaning up our mess. "Calum won't even touch me." She complained. I looked at her as we did the dishes, "Why not?" Her cheeks turned pink as she said, "He said he wants to wait until we get married." I squealed and awed for like two minutes. "Hun, this is great!" I said to her after my fangirl episode. "Yeah, but do you know how long it's gonna take to make him even ask me. Then there's all the planning and ugh it'll be so frustrating." She wrinkled her nose as she thought of planning a wedding. "I'll plan your wedding. Come on Chloe, when he asks you, let me know before you even take another breath. I can plan a wedding and you know I can. And you can have whatever you want, because money isn't an issue." I said to her with a big smile. She looked unsure. "You love him right?" I asked her seriously. "More than anything." I smiled then. "It's settled, whenever he pops the question, I'm starting on your wedding." She smiled and thanked me. I knew she's always wanted to be married with a husband and maybe a few kids. Calum would be good to her, I knew he would, I'd make sure of it. 


After we cleaned the kitchen, there was still almost 20 minutes left until the pizza was done. I walked into my living room to see Fletcher asleep on Michael's chest. I pulled my phone out a took a picture. I saved it to my wallpaper. I smiled at them, Michael himself was dozing off. I sat on the floor in front of Fletcher, he had a small moving in his sleep problem and could fall off Michael before he even knew what was happening. So he'd fall on me, better than our hard wood floor. I felt hands playing with my hair. It was Michael. "I miss your red hair." I heard him mumble. I looked at the purple mess my hair was and nodded. "Me too." I answered him. "Aw you guys are a really cute family." Chloe gushed at us from her spot on the love-seat with Louis, who was attached to his phone. I smiled feeling my cheeks heat up. "I like that." Michael said softly, so that only I could hear. "What?" I asked turning towards him a little bit. "I have a family. I haven't had one of those before." He said looking me in the eyes. My heart was his, and hopefully he knew that. "I can baby sit Fletcher tonight, if you two um want some time alone." Chloe interjected as we were eating about a half hour later. Michael's hand moved to my thigh as she spoke, telling Louis he was okay to stay with her as well. He agreed, I silently thanked him. Chloe had told me that when this happened, we'd be like bunnies. And she was right. I couldn't get enough of him. I was always thinking about him now, much more than I had before. It's only been a day and it was wonderful and amazing. Michael's hand stayed on my thigh for the rest of our peaceful part of the night. When the door opened, it became sort of tense I guess. I never expected Luke and Calum to walk through the door, well maybe Calum, but not Luke. 


We walked into the house and I saw everyone at a table eating. My son was in Michael's lap eating some fruit. "Luke? What are you doing here?" Her and Michael said at the same time, they looked at each other their faces turning red. It didn't bother me that they were in love. It kind of bothered me that Fletcher was holding onto Michael. "Dada.'' He was saying as he played with his fruit. "Can I see him?" I asked, to no one particular. "Sure, Luke." Michael said picking Fletcher off his lap, carefully because he was still eating his fruit. "Come sit down." Michael smiled at me. I don't think I was bothered much anymore. He didn't seem to be trying to steal my son away from me. I sat in Michael's previous seat and he sat Fletcher down in my lap, who looked as if he could care less who he was sitting with because he just wanted his fruit. I couldn't help but smile when he tried shoving food in my mouth. Everybody laughed too. "So how many is staying with us tonight?" Calum asked a girl, I'm assuming this was Chloe. She was pretty. Her hair went to her waist and it was straight and dirty blonde. She had green eyes I believed, but I couldn't tell from this far away. She probably wasn't much taller than Skye, so Calum towered over here, especially since she was sitting down. "Um let's see, Fletcher, Luke, and Louis, so three. They can share your room, and you can sleep with me." He nodded quickly and bent down to kiss her cheek. It was cute. They were really cute. 


We said goodbye to everyone and it took me a few minutes to give up Fletcher for the night. As soon as the door shut Michael had picked me up and was walking up the stairs. "Someone's eager." I giggled as he almost ran into the closed bedroom door. "Just a little. I just can't get enough of you, Baby." He said kissing me. 

yes they frickle frackle a lot cx i mean like wouldn't you? I would like Jesus and i'm sorry michael feels got me like fucked up <3 I hope you liked it! Vote! Comment! Tell your friends! 

lots of love


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