❝Then we went on our way to the place I've avoided for three years.❞

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"Louis, I don't know." I said as I held the phone in my hands, just as I have done for the past three years on this day. It's November 20. Michael's birthday. "I know you don't, which is why I'm being a good friend and I say,

just call him already. It's been three years, Skye. I may have only met him once, but I saw how fiercely he looked at you. It's probably killing him that you're gone." Louis always gave me this "pep talk" every single time I wanted to call him.

"Yeah, I know what you saw. It's not even true though. He only cared because I was raped." I said bitterly. "Well you got something good out of Skye. And don't say you didn't." Lou said sternly as he glanced at the floor in front of the TV.

Where my little boy was watching SpongeBob. I smiled at him, Louis, and said, "You're right." Lou grinned and said, "I almost always am." Then my phone rang and I saw my best friend's picture.



It's my birthday today. I'm 21. Still no word from her. Not even a small message that says I'm okay. The guys are getting ready for the club, taking me for my birthday. Not like I have anything else to do. All I've done is drink her away,

or try to. I try to forget her name, but I just end up forgetting mine. "Come on man, Liam is driving us there." Ashton said pulling me to my feet. "Yeah I know, Ash." I smiled my fake-ass-smile. Not that he couldn't see through it,

he just believes it's real for the sake of not breaking down. He misses her too. Everyone does. Despite what he did, we miss Luke also. Especially Calum. They've been friends since they were like eight. He's getting out soon.

I've forgiven him, crazy I know, but we've mostly gotten past it. As I headed out the door, I past it. A picture of us. Which is why I hated going out of the house, it was always there. Liam had hung it. It was before I knew her well.

It was when he'd been on the trip to the beach. Amber had taken the picture. She was asleep, lying across the seats, her head on my lap. And I was asleep as well, a small smile on my face and my hands in her messy hair.

Before tears could spring into my eyes, I walked out the door.

Finally able to breathe.


"Hello?" I heard. "Hey Hun." I said as I watched Harry do dishes, the guys were heading out for Michael's birthday. "Hey." She said her voice softening. "How are you?" I asked walking towards Harry, kissing his cheek as he dried his hands and left.

"I'm good; Louis and I are just hanging around today." She answered. "How's Fletcher doing?" I asked, knowing he was her favorite thing to talk about. "Oh he's good. He's starting to talk more. His favorite word is truck. Do you know how it feels to be beat by the word truck?

He even says 'Lou'. I haven't gotten a single 'mom' from him. Not one." She laughed. I heard Louis laughing along in the background with her. They sounded really happy. "How's Harry?" She asked me. She missed him, a lot.

"He's doing well. Still scared of love." I rolled my eyes at my kind-of-boyfriend's feelings. "That's good." She said. I sensed she wanted to ask something else. "He's doing okay." I said softly. "I didn't know if I should call him today."

She said tiredly. "I know you don't want my opinion, but I'm gonna give you it anyways." I said. "He's honestly not doing as well as he wants people to believe. He's always out drinking. He told me he wants to forget about your face, at least for a moment.

He misses you so much, Skye. Hell, we all miss you and want you to come home. Please come home, you don't even have to stay forever, just for a couple days or so." I rushed out the words I've been dying to say. She sighed and said,

"You know I can't, Am. I want to so bad, but I can't. Michael won't want me anymore, if he ever did, when he finds out I have a kid with his best friend. He'll hate me and he'll hate Fletcher." Her voice dropped. "He won't hate you guys."

I said. It wasn't a lie. Michael's been killing himself over this. "How do you know?" She asked. No sound was in the background anymore, so she probably went into a different room. "I just know. Have I ever lied to you?

I've known you since we were freshman in high school. I wouldn't lie to you, unless I thought it was something you were better off not knowing." I answered honestly. She took a deep and said, "You're right. I'll come home. Only for a few days."


I took a deep breath and said, "But I don't want to see him." She was quiet for a minute before she said, "I'll try my best to make sure he isn't where we go." I almost smiled, "See you tomorrow, and meet me at the airport."

I hung up on her, so I could pack. "So we're going home?" Louis asked, he was standing in the doorway. I nodded and said, "Only for a couple days, but we won't be seeing him." He pursed his lips and said,

"And if you run into him, what will you do? Walk away? Pretend you don't miss him? Tell him you've always hated him? Just to make yourself feel better?" He asked looking at me hardly. He was right though. What would I do?

"I don't know, Lou. I honestly don't know what I'll do. Let's just hope we don't. Now go pack enough clothes for two weeks. I've gotta get Fletcher and myself packed."


I got off the plane, my baby in my hands, Louis behind me. A sign had been made that said Fletcher and his Mother and her Gay friend I laughed. "That's definitely Amber." I told Louis, especially when I saw her bright red hair.

She changed it, like me. My normally red hair was blue, and I'd started wearing blue contacts. The only thing the same about me was my voice, which unfortunately I couldn't change. "Skye!" She screamed when she saw me.

"Amber!" I screeched. I handed Fletcher to Louis and ran to hug my best friend. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same to me. "Oh my god girl! I missed you so much." She said squeezing me. I couldn't breathe but I didn't care.


After a couple minutes of hugging we finally let go. I introduced Louis and Amber, officially. They both knew some about each other and met once, the day Harry sold me. They got on just fine. "Hi there. What's your name?"

Amber asked Fletcher, maybe seeing if he would speak to her. He would, or try to, he wasn't shy at all. "Fletcher." He said his hand half in his mouth so it sounded like 'flemtcher'. "I like your name. Do you remember my name?"

She asked him. We've Skyped a couple times so he has seen her before. "No." He said furrowing his eyebrows. "He's thinking." I giggled at my son. He was the cutest thing and after a little bit he shrugged. Then he turned to Lou and held up his arms.

Then we went on our way to the place I've avoided for three years.


I woke up with a headache. Nothing new. My bed was empty, nothing new either. Today felt different, I don't know why. It just did. I trudged downstairs, to my everlasting cabinet of headache pills. "Hey mate, you wanna go to the airport with me?

I've gotta pick up my sister." Liam said, he was already in the kitchen. "Why are you even awake at six in the morning?" I groaned, I didn't answer his question, because I didn't wanna go anywhere. He chuckled.

"Do you want to go or not?" He asked.


We were almost out of the parking lot when someone said, "Amber?" She looked and then glanced at me. I looked to see who was talking to her. Oh my god. It was Liam. And I nearly choked on my spit when I saw who was next to him. 

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