Raw fish

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Merida POV

I ride into the forest happily on my horse, Angus, letting the wind whip through my tangled, red mane. My name is Merida. Merida DunBroch. Unfortunately, I'm the Princess. I have duties, responsibilities, expectations and absolutely no freedom! The only thing close to freedom is what I'm doing now.

Today is the only day of this week I don't have any lessons. I spend my un-lessoned days riding through the glen, shooting arrows into the sunset; well that's how my dad describes it anyway. Today's a day with no duties, responsibilities or expectations. A day I have the chance to change my fate.

As I shoot the last of the targets Angus jumps skilfully over a log leading to a small clearing next to the river. Apple trees are scattered around the clearing and fish swim contently in the water. I use my bow to catch 4 fish and collect a basket of apples for Angus. I sit on a large rock my the riverside enjoying the freshly picked apples whilst cooking the fish. "If only everyday would be like today, right Angus?" I sigh, stroking his silky snout.

A loud crack of branches is heard from behind me. I grab my bow out of instinct and load an arrow into it in case I'm in need of using it. A big, black creature falls through the trees and tumbles into the the clearing. I step out of the way pulling Angus with me as the beast rolls into the river. "Toothless!" I hear a boy's voice yell "could you have at least avoided the water?"

I look back at the beast from behind Angus and notice a young boy, around the age of 15 or 16, rising from the river. He has forest-green eyes and brown, scruffy hair. His figure isn't muscular but isn't overly skinny. He wears a light green tunic with a brown fur vest over the top, brown trousers and big, brown fur boots.

He looks up and notices me. As he does, his eyes widen in terror. I hide quickly behind Angus again as I clutch onto my bow. My back leans on Angus' leg as I try to think of a decent enough plan. He doesn't look too much of a threat and carries no weapons other than a small dagger. Altogether, he can't do much harm, but I'm not taking any chances. I turn around to grab Angus' reins and run but notice a slight flaw in the plan. While I'd been thinking of a get away escape route, the boy had made his way in front of Angus and was now staring right at me.

"W-who are you? And w-why are you here?" I stutter raising my bow at him.

His eyes widen as he raises his hands above his head "woah! I'm Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and I just crash landed here on my dragon." he says innocently.

I lower my bow slightly as I look into his eyes; he seems to be telling the truth. "Wait? Dragon?" I ask in confusion.

"Yeah, want to meet Toothless?" he asks nervously, eyeing my bow. I place the arrow back in my quiver. He relaxes instantly.

"Toothless?" I ask "I'm sure dragons are supposed to have teeth." I look at him, confused.

"They are, I only called him Toothless because when I met him, he retracted his teeth. When he wants to eat he just... un-retracts them if you know what I mean." I nod my head slowly. "Come on." He says holding out his hand. I take it reluctantly. A shock of electricity rushes up my arm and across my shoulders. I snatch my hand away quickly and look at him questioningly. By the looks if it, he felt it too and has no idea what it was.

"I think it would be best if I just followed you" I suggest. He nods his head and walks towards the water. 'Toothless' is on the riverside, shaking like a dog in attempt to dry himself. I follow behind Hiccup warily eyeing the dragon.

"Okay Toothless! Meet our new friend!" Hiccup announces gesturing to me. I walk forward slowly and stand behind him. "Toothless meet ... er... um..." he stutters.

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