Like any other day...

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Steve had woken up that day like any other day. He made a quick all American breakfast, made his bed, cleaned the dishes and then took a seat to watch the morning news. The news stations had calmed down with all the Avengers news since the team hasn't actually been together since the battle of New york. That was about 8 months ago. 

From what Steve knows Tony and Bruce are working on new tech for SHIELD and Stark Industries but most importantly building the Stark Tower and completely remodeling.

Thor happens to be dealing with Asgard business which includes of course Loki, Thor had told the team that "thou shall not worry, the Odin son will be back in 8 months time" so since he hadn't made it clear what day of the 8th month, SHIELD has been prepared for Thor's arrival which they think will be on a Thursday. 

Clint and Natasha are the Avengers Steve sees the most. They often go on SHIELD missions together and Steve sees them in the mornings when he is ordered to come in. Clint is always by the coffee machine with about 7 empty cups all thrown around him, Steve doesn't like to ask what he does the night before.

Natasha on the other hand is always sitting across from Clint, Steve thinks she does this to make sure Clint doesn't drink 20+ cups of coffee. Steve asked Natasha what happens to Clint before he goes into work and she says "He goes out with Matt Murdock...i don't follow them". Steve doesn't want to find out what that's about so he leaves it at that.

The news suddenly changes to a video of Tony at a press conference, its a replay from yesterday. Some random reporter asks "What does the A stand for?" and Tony laughs in a mocking way. "Obviously it means Avengers, what else could it stand for?" The crowd laughs. Another reporter asks "With this new model of the tower, What is its purpose? Will it still hold residence to Stark industries work?".

Tony makes a face of surprise "Finally the most important question, The new Tower is now and forever for the use of only Avengers members and our work. It has been remodeled with new high tech gyms that have been especially made to suit the needs of any and all Avengers, There is now a penthouse for all the Avenger and enough space for their company too and even more".

The final reporter stands up and asks "So all the Avengers will now fully take residence in New York?"
Tony laughs a little before saying "Well i haven't had the time to ask any of them... but i am hoping they will take up my offer or even at least pay a visit once in a while when they are in the city" Tony waves and thanks everyone for the questions and walks off the stage.

Steve turns off the TV and thinks about everything Tony said while he walks to his gym near his SHIELD payed apartment.


Steve finishes up his workout at 7am, showered, got dressed in a tight blue shirt and jeans and hailed a taxi over since he had left his motorcycle at home, he makes his way to SHIELD headquarters. He puts his gym bag in his small office and goes to find Clint where he usually is sitting.

Steve finds Clint and doesn't see Natasha anywhere. "Hey, wheres Nat?" Steve asks while looking around. Clint groans as he says "She is in Nick's office getting a debriefing, you know how that goes".

Steve takes a seat facing Clint. "So how many cups have you gone through this beautiful morning? " Steve laughs a bit after he asks. Clint rubs his eyes "Hmm...I'm actually trying to cut down on 8 cups every weekday i think about 4 and a half".

Steve smiles at him "Well I'm proud of you, but I have a feeling it wasn't your idea to change your lifestyle". Clint laughs "You know me so well because it was Nat's idea". A laugh of a women is beside Steve "Well it did take some convincing". Steve turns to her "Why do you always sneak up on us? Every time i almost have a heart attack don't forget i have the heart of a 80 year old man". They all laugh.

Clint speaks up and says "Correction, sneaks up on you because i can 85% of the time sense where she is". Then Natasha says "Yeah right, more like 60% Barton". Natasha hits Steve in the shoulder "Well you have learned to keep your cool because i remember the first two months and you most of the time screamed". She laughed "But it helps me practice and it boost my self-esteem knowing a super soldier with super hearing cant hear me". Steve rolls his eyes"You know i could totally hear you but i was talking to Clint and its early in the morning". Clint and Natasha laugh and say in union "Yeah, yeah that's what you always say".

A couple of hours pass, in which during they head to Fury's office and get assigned missions.

Natasha and Clint got a co-op mission to Germany and Steve gets a Stark industries related mission, which he isn't excited for but since its his job. Steve will try to act civil about it.

Fury tells Steve the information he needs to know. "Steve, I know you and Tony don't get along the best but promise me you will try and  get along. Trust me i have a feeling that you two will become good friends, or at least learn to trust each other, you two have too. You two are the leaders of the Avengers so whether you like it or not you two have to get along in some sort of way".

Steve signs "Fine, I'll try to do my best, i hope you have already talked to Tony about it because i swear if he starts something, its not my fault if we fight".

They finish up covering all the details of the mission and before Steve leaves to go home.

Fury calls him back one more time and says "Tony will be picking you up, i believe he is outside waiting for you". Fury looks out the window "Head downstairs, Tony will tell you everything he knows about the target and please remember Steve, try not to blow up the city"

Steve leaves Fury's office and steps into the elevator with a sign and thinks to himself "this is definitely not like any other day..."

(Things will pick up more in the next chapter don't worry :) but if you would like any new plots for the story or anything just comment below😜👇🏻

  I'll try and write a chapter every week and if you guys like it, I'll try and update as fast as I can :) Thanks for reading 💕🌸 )

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