Surprise Surprise

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While looking at the very ordinary elementary, Steve just stared at it. He had no idea why they had stopped here. Tony Stark at a elementary school. He just couldn't rap his mind around it.

Was Tony here to bankrob this place? Was he dating a teacher or something? Was he picking up a nephew? Questions without answers kept popping into Steve's head. He would have never thought Tony would ever step on the grounds of a school once finishing college especially an elementary school. The school's name was Midtown Elementary.

Steve's jaw dropped when he finally spotted Tony. He was hugging a small child about the right age to be in first grade, they were laughing, Tony picked up the child's bag that had Black Widow on it and  grabbed each others hands, they start to head over to the car.

Tony opens the back door of the car and the child jumped in behind Steve. Tony places the back pack beside the child and puts on his seat belt. "Peter, come on relax, i promise you can next week" Tony said calmly. Steve had been so concentrated on the fact that this was all happening and he had totally missed how irritated the boy/Peter looked after they started heading over to the car. "daddy, you promise? cause i really really like Wade" Peter said with a slur.

Once again Steve's jaw dropped at the realization that Tony was a Father. How come nobody had told him? He had read all of Tony's files before meeting him months ago.

Tony then kissed his sons forehead "I promise you two can have a sleepover next week, okay?" Peter nodded and smiled "Oka, daddy". From the tone of Peter's voice, Steve could tell that the child had lost all his irritation and anger. Tony closed the car door and headed to the drivers seat. Steve could hear the noises of movement, he figured Peter was  playing with some toy.

Tony opened the front door and sat down in the drivers seat. He turned on the car and started driving.
Suddenly, Tony turned to Steve for a moment, and said "Um.. I totally forgot to introduce you two" Tony had read Steve perfectly, the confusion, the look of trying to figure this all out. "Peter, this is Steve Rogers, you know Captain America?" Peter squealed and jumped a little out of his seat "Really? Captain America!?" Steve smiled and  turned a little to be able to face Peter. "Hi Peter, you've heard a lot about me?"

"Daddy is always talking about you and the rest Avengers but mostly you.." Peter responded, Tony laughed awkwardly and turned a little red. "Your Peters favorite, even though his favorite should be Iron Man" They all laughed. Minutes pasted while they all talked about Peter's academic success and being a top student at Midtown. Steve realized very quickly that Peter was a lot like Tony not just physically but even had similar minds.

Peter had started doing some homework so he could play more at home. Steve decided it would be a good time to ask questions. "Tony, how come nobody had told me about Peter and you being a father?" Tony turned to look at Steve quickly and answered " Well being who i am, i like to not mention Peter a lot, not many know he is my kid, its for his own protection, i want him to have a normal life for as long as i can...I don't want to press talking about him, you know?"  

Steve smiled, maybe Tony doesn't just care about himself. "That's understandable, do any of the other Avengers know? Nick?" Steve asks. Tony reply's quickly " Only Natasha, Bruce and Clint, They often babysit him" Steve laughs "Yea, an Avenger for a babysitter has a lot more benefits then a normal Nanny" Tony laughs a little and continues answering the question  "And well, Nick is the one who helps me keep the press down and every bad guy too".

Before Steve could ask more questions, the car stopped. "Home sweet home, Steve ". Steve starts picking up his bag and steps out of the car. "Peter, it was a pleasure to meet you" Him and Peter share a smile. "And Tony thanks for everything, seriously" Before Steve closes the door, Tony says " Cap, Stop by the Tower, you'll love it " Steve smiles and answers " Tony, it would be an honor" Steve closes the door and heads to his apartment buildings front door.

Suddenly the car window rolls down, "Stop talking like such a gentleman from the 40s!" Tony yells. Steve laughs hard and just replies without thinking  "You know you love it, Stark!" Once entering the building Steve comes to realization to what his responds was. While entering the elevator Steve just turns bright red and whispers

"What were you thinking, Rogers?..."

( Hope you guys are still enjoying and reading the story, I will try my best to update every weekend. Comment for anything, vote and so sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. Peace out guys!

P.s. the photo is meant to be of Steve's building 😂😂😂 <3 )

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