3.6 -- Cake sleepover!!!

Start from the beginning

They went into the elevator taking them up to the apartments' roof. Calum laid the blanket out and the pillows and sat down, Luke vice versa. "It's really nice out here"

"Yeah" Calum said with his mouth full.



"What after?"

"We cuddle up here"

"Okay, I'm fine with that"

"It's our sleepover, I don't want anyone interfering, including those sluts you sleep with"

"Calum. It's always you first. If you want it to be just us, then that's how it would be", after that Luke began eating again.

Calum smiled widely and blushed, "thank you"

"LUKE?!!! CALUM!!!?? Oh there you are we've been looking for you guys", they both smirked.

"You guys wanted some alone time?" Michael smirked evilly.

Luke finished his spaghetti and took a swing out of the soda.

"Wait. One soda? So does that means you're sharing? Drinking after each-other I see" Ashton pushed.

"Guys...leave"Luke responded coldly.

"Why? So you can make out with your boyfriend?" Michael tried to hold back his laughter.

The two began to laugh tears leaking from their eyes. "Fucking hell!!! Just leave us alone!!!"

"Ooh feisty! I bet that's how Calum likes it! He likes a little spice in his life", Ashton commented wiggling his eyebrows.

"Haha, he likes playtime rough, he likes the claws!"

"Guys, we just want to be alone! That doesn't mean we're dating. Just fuck off!! Damn", Luke rolled his eyes.

"Ashton! You have to understand they want to be left alone! What's better than sex on the roof? Letting people see the butt go up and down" Michael laughed.

"Oh my god! I'm done!" Ashton giggled loudly.

"LEAVE!!!" Luke shouted.

They went to the elevator and winked at Calum, "get some, doughnut!"

"Doughnut?" Michael asked Ashton confused.

"That's what Luke calls him"

"Is he that hungry for the ass? Ahhahaha!!!" They both laughed and got in leaving.

Calum bit wet lip, wet from the (cum) soda. "I'm glad they're gone. Thanks for making them leave"




"What's your favorite things about me?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I just wanna know"

"Well, to start off-I like your eyes, I mean yeah many people say that, but they're really adorable. You can literally get away with everything. I obviously love your lips, they get cold but in the end they taste like peaches, and are red like apples. Your laugh. I mean most of the times my jokes aren't even funny, but you laugh at them anyway. When you give me hugs. I haven't had anyone hug me or me hug anyone before; besides my parents. They're special, and sometimes I just want to hug you for hours. And the way you hold my hand. And when you whine over the slightest things, it's insanely adorable. I never have been able to stay friends with someone as long as I have with you; besides Ashton, and I never want to lose you. And the fact that you can cope with my parents constantly thinking we're dating, how the fuck does it look like we're dating?"

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