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Camila Pov:
It's funny how as people we do without thinking. It's funny how we live with no regrets, yet we have more regrets than can be counted on one hand. It's funny how nothing can last forever, when that's all we dream of. It's funny how our worst nightmares seem to creep into life.

All I could do was stand and stare at her; mouth agape. I didn't know what to think. My head was telling that this bad but my heart was telling me to stop running away from everything in life. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there.

"Hi." She spoke up. "Ummmm....... Hey?" I managed to voice out to her. "Well what are the odds...... you know running into you here, and being the person you ran into." she said carefully. 'Yeah what are the fucking odds' I voiced in my head.

"Mila what do you ...... Oh hey Lauren fancy seeing you here. And Mila what do you want to drink?" Ally said. Wait, who is Lauren? "Hey Ally, how are you?" The woman spoke up. How does she know Ally, and I'm guessing that she is Lauren. "Good just really tired. I've been stressing about studying for a major test i have in two weeks." "Well that sucks but it will get better." Lauren said will a smile.

"If you'll excuse me I have to grab my coffee, but it was nice seeing you again Camila." She said with a wink. I watched at she grabbed her Green Tea Frap and headed out of the door. "So.... Mila. How do you know Lauren?"
"What do you mean how do I know her ?" " Well she said nice to see you 'again' which implies you've met before" Ally stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah and she winked at you," Normani said while smirking. "Even I noticed that." Dinah said with a grin. Playing it cool was the only thing I could think of doing at the moment. " I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied. "I mean I've met her before but-" I was cut off by someone calling my name. "Camila." I turned around to see Lauren walking back to me.

"Hey you forgot something that I never got to give you last night or this morning." She stated. All I could do was look at her puzzled because I had no idea what I forgot. "What do you mean I forgot something?" I whisper yelled so Ally, Normani, and Dinah didn't hear me even though I'm pretty sure they were listening. "You forgot something,"she stated again.

"What did I-" I started but was cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. To say I was shocked was and understatement but I didn't hesitate to reciprocate. Her lips were so soft. They were like heaven. It didn't help the situation that she was an amazing kisser. It felt like this was what I was suppose to be doing. It felt like this was what we were supposed to be doing. My hands moved without me knowing to the back of her neck, while hers pulled me in closers by my waist.

"Can I take your order," we heard and snapped out of our own bubble to remember we were still in public and not alone. As we pulled away, I looked down blushing. Looking through my eye lashes I saw her pick up her drink again and leave. "Yeah, we'll have four Chai Tea Latte with soy milk, extra pumps of Chai, and Dulce Cinnamon powder sprinkled on top and mixed in." Normani spoke still in shock. "Yeah and get this one over here a bag of ice cause her face is red as all hell." Dinah states while giggling.

As we were waiting for our drinks we decided to have a seat but knowing that I would get ridiculed for what just happened I walked out side. Walking outside I started walking towards a bench and look who I see. It's Lauren. I was going to turn around and go back but my feet kept walking towards her for some odd reason, and I couldn't stop. Sitting down next to her I looked towards the street. I could feel eyes staring at me so I spoke first. "Why did you kiss me?" " Because...... Last night you never kissed me and when I saw you I really wanted to. But being the coward I am, I walked away. But then I felt like I had to go back. Originally I was just going to tell you my dorm number in case you wanted to, I don't know, hang out or something but I suddenly just kissed you."

It was amazing. Looking at Lauren I knew I couldn't hang out with her or be around her to long. I'm bad news. I'm trouble. I'm the epitome of trouble. It's all that my life has handed me and its was I am. She's perfect. She has the perfect eyes. Perfect smile and perfect lips. Perfect hair and perfect full eyebrows. She's sophisticated. She's amazing. And I can't mess that up for her. I won't. I can't.

Because I'm Happy (Camren)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat