4.Wild Life

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Camila POV:
I have right now, what I can't have forever. Happiness.
Feel what I can't touch. Serenity.
High off of what's bad. Last night
Bundled in what will only stay until I leave in a few moments. Safety.

Right now i am laying here in someone's arms. I've been awake for the past five minutes, and woke when the sun came peeking through the windows. I want to get up in move because I know what is to come if I don't but my body won't let me. I haven't been held like this in years. Last time I remember this was when I was a kid.

It feels so right but I know that it's wrong because, that's how my life has always been. Wrong. I look up at the beautiful woman my whose chest I am laying on may I add and all I see is perfection. From the little freckles on her nose, to her slightly parted lips, to her thick yet tamed eyebrows and see nothing but perfection.

Which is why I should leave. I can't mess up her life. I won't be able to see the look of regret in her eyes, and I know it's gonna be there because why would she have enjoyed sleeping with me. I'm a fuck-up. I'm a nobody. I'm not nearly as half as perfect as she is.

As much as I want to move I can't because her arms are wrapped around me, holding me to her. My arms are the same. Since my head is on her chest I hear her heartbeat. It sounds like a sweet, sweet lullaby. The kind of lullaby only your own mother could sing, for it to be perfect.

But nothing last forever. I slipped out of her grasp as gentle as I could. I could see slight goosebumps, on her ferment porcelain skin. As gently as I could, I slid the cover up closer covering her body, but first taking a moment I admire it. It was sculpted by only the finest hands of an angel. It was touched by magic.

Getting off the bed completely I found my underwear and shorts and slipped them on. Across the room I found my bra and slipped it on as well. I had a hard time finding my shirt because it was thrown so far across the room, it landed on the handle of the door. Finding my shoes and socks I put them on, then gathered the muster girls clothing items and sat them on the night stand. I then made my way back to the girl whose name I have no idea of.

Her hair was spread across the pillow, as if she were a mermaid, but she also looked rather expensively fragile, like one touch of such a master piece and she could fall apart. I took the already prepared note out of my pocket and sat it on the night stand on top of her clothing.

Turning to leave, I made my way to the door. Upon grabbing the handle I stopped for a second. Turning around and walking back towards the girl and giving her one more look. She looked so perfect. I leaned down and was contemplating kissing her on the lips but decided against it and settle in kissing her cheek. We've still never kissed on the lips. The kiss lingered longer than I though it would and for some strange reason I don't know why.

Upon pulling away I met a pair of green eyes and a smile grazing those lips. I want to know what they would feel like against mind but before I could question it my feet were carrying me out the door. Instead of taking the elevator and giving her a chance to catch up with me, I took the stairs to try to get out of here as fast as possible. Getting down the first floor i ran out of the building and a block away I called a taxi.

When the taxi arrived I had it take me back to the bar so I could get my car. Arriving at the bar the only cars that were there were mine and what I assumed to be mystery girl's. As I was driving out of the parking lot another taxi was pulling up, presumably being mystery girl herself, coming back for her car.

I drove off as quickly as I can without going over the speed limit. Something wouldn't let me forget those green eyes. It's like I was in a trance. Nothing invaded my mind. I was now standing at my dorm room, not even realizing that I was in front of my door, because that's how focused on her my mind is. She is captivating. I mean if you see her then you'll know, why she is in my mind nonstop.

Opening my door, to my surprise, I find 3 people sitting in my room. "Oh my God. Mila." Ally says running to giving me a hug, with tears in her eyes. "I didn't know what to think I mean I told you to text me when you got back and you never replied and it's like 11am and I haven't seen you. I was so scared" my best friend said.

"I'm sorry. Im so sorry. I'm okay Ally. I promise I'm okay." I say looking over her shoulder at her room mate Normani, and another person I don't know. When she pulled out of the hug she spoke again, " I was coming over here and knocked on the door but you never answered. I used my spare and let myself in. I was going to see if you wanted to get coffee with Mani, her friend Dinah and I. " she said her friend with a slight wink.

"Well I am okay and if you give me about 20 minutes to take a shower and get changed I would love to go to coffee with you guys." I replied. A look of shock played on Ally and Normani's face, considering the fact that usually when Ally and Normani ask me to hang out I usually make up an excuse since Ally is the only person I actually know.

"Great well I guess we'll chill in my dorm until you are ready. Text me when you are coming over to my dorm." I throw Ally a thumbs up then grab a new outfit and head for the shower. Once I complete my shower I brush my teeth and dry my damp hair. I text Ally while I'm walking to her dorm.

Since my head was down because I was texting, I bumped into someone. I hear them mutter a "Sorry." Turning around I see the same raven hair from two nights ago except this time she's sporting and black leather jacket with a black beanie . "No, I'm sorry it was my fault. I should have been paying attention"I called to them out to them. I turn around and hear her call back to me saying " it's okay, thank you." in a familiar voice. Shrugging it off, I reach to open Ally's door and before I could I was met with the three girls opening it.

I told everyone I was in the mood to drive, and for some reason I couldn't stop smiling. Ally and Mani kept smirking at me then Dinah spoke up. " What's got you all smiley?" I replied with a simple I don't know because in all honesty I don't know. I just feel good and for some odd reason I don't feel guilty for last night. I feel great.

Making it to small Starbucks cafe 10 minutes away the three girls couldn't stop teasing me and trying to come up with a reason why I was smiling. Hell even I wanna know why I'm so happy. Walking in, the enticing aroma of mocha invading my nostrils, wrapping my body in a sense of comfort. "Mmmm" the three girls behind me hummed in harmony.

As I walked to stand in line I was talking to Ally. Turning my head, in front of me ordering I notice a leather jacket, black beanie, and dark hair. The same girl I bumped into earlier. I tapped her on the the shoulder and said "Hey sorry again for bumping into you earlier."

"Don't worry about it. It's no biggie." The girl said in a somewhat husky voice I somewhat recognized. I was trying to put a face with the voice but just couldn't. "Yeah but I still should have been paying attention." I said.

The cashier then gave her a receipt. The dark haired girl turned to me while saying " It's fine seriously." When she finally turned all the way around she gasped and when I saw her face my breath hitched in my throat.

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Enjoy 😊
- Miracle

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