Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five.

After three weeks in the orphanage I still feel like nothing happened. The only person I really talk to is jake, Jaymi hates me for that, because Jake is like Jaymi's Little brother. It's not that I do it on purpose. I still play mute, because I want nobody to know me. And last, but not least, of all the things that haven't changed, The food is still worse than crap. I'm not being melodramatic. It really is gross and not healthy. But like Demi told me, don't taste, just chew.

I really miss my old life, on the streets. I feel like this is a prison cell, I want to go out side and be alone, wandering the streets of the next big city. But now look at me, I'm stuck in here, with no cell phone, Aldo I have one, we aren't allowed to have cell phones, so nobody has a charger for me. I miss my freedom.

It's not like I can walk out of here on my socks. They've this massive locking system to keep people outside, which keeps me inside. Ironic, right? I tried jumping out of the window but they also have these locks and they never open the windows. I feel almost claustrophobic.

And now this thing they called school. I haven't been to school in two years, But I'm not stupid. We had maths at the moment. I have to do extra homework, because they wanted me too keep up with Jaymi, but now Jaymi has to keep up to me. His knowledge of maths is so poor. You could see the his face crunch when ever he didn't know what to do.

I felt pity for him every time that happened.

{Do you want some help?}

"No." He snapped. "Go make your own homework." He said as he pushed the piece of paper back.

{Just let me help you.}

"I don't need your help." He whispered, as he threw back the paper.

{Are you sure?}

"Yes, I'm sure! Just go mind your own business!" He yelled at me. I was taken back at his sudden out burst. And I wasn't the only one.

"Mister Hensley! Be quiet and make your maths!" Miss Duhaux screeched at him.

"But ma'am-!" He exclaimed, before getting cut off by Miss Duhaux.

"No buts, Mister Hensley! Go back to work and if I hear one more thing!" She threatened, but it wasn't at threatening as the glare I got. From Jaymi.

I just wanted to help, But now I wish I didn't.


The next day we were called to the Living area. all the children were stuffed in here and most of them on the floor.

"Austy, Austy!" I heard a small boy yell. I turned my head to look at Jake who was next to Jaymi on the couch. "Come sit here!" He exclaimed as he climbed on Jaymi's lap to pat the space he sat before.

I  made my way up to the couch and sat down next to Jaymi and Jake.

{What's happening?}

I gave the paper to Demi who was next to the couch. "Oh, right. Every time we all get called here, some one is going to come and adopt some one, Or like lat year when One Direction came to help here. That was so awesome!" She squealed the last part in my ear. One Direction..? Who's that?

I got torn from my thought by one of the teachers.. Misses Lenning, I think. i didn't know all of the names, Not that I was planning to learn them all by heart.

"Okay next Friday, two men will come and Adopt one of you. They wanted a boy, from a minimal age of 14. so we were thinking of Jaymi" She cleared her throat. "And Austin to talk to them." You said what now?

Teenage Runaway. (Larry/Gosh)Where stories live. Discover now