Chapter Four.

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Chapter Four.

"You are going to speak up now or..." Jaymi threated. 

I cocked my brow. 

{Or what?} 

I held up my hand for him to read it. His face changed to pure anger and he  grabbedmy wrist, Turned my arm and locked it on my back. Oowh he's going to play it this way? What an Idiot... I turned to look at him with a cheeky grin. So he thinks he's going to win, from me? I lived on the streets for 2 years. I know how to safe my own arse. 

He looked up at me with cold eyes, which seem to shoot pure hatred at me. He stood up swiftly and threw a fist at me. To predictable. I dodged and then grabbed his hand intertwined or fingers smoothly so I could push down his hands and with that his whole body. I didn't even had to put pressure to his hand to get him on his knees. With my free hand I stopped his. pushed it to the ground and place my left foot on his wrist, so he was unable to do anything. He didn't seem to get what happend, but he knew he was stuck. 

I grabbed a pen and started writing on his head. "Stop, What are you doing! You asshole get off me , NOW!" He squirmed and moved his from side to side, But it was still quiet readable.

{Before you start a war know where your  fighting for, Don't let nothing be the reason}

Statified with his suffering, I stepped of his hand, grabbed it with mine and held him back for me to get away from him, grab a pen and notepad and left the room. I snickered as I think about his face. That look when I got him down. 

I walked down the Little Halls, as I suddenly came to my senses and knew that I din't knew where I was or Where I was going to. I looked Around me as I saw Demi. 

I tapped her shoulder. She turned around and looked at me with a bright smile. "Found him!" She yelled, Bending her head to another hall. "Where were you! We almost thoughed you ranaway!"

Oh God... I should've done that... 

{No, I lost my way, Sorry} 

"Don't worry, Jaymi will bring you to class." As it was his que, Jaymi appeard from the hallway next to Demi. She turned and looked up to Jaymi who was a few inches taller than her self. "You Bloody idiot just let him walk off, Alone! 'Till he  knows the way you will have to guid him. Do you understand me?" She sneered at Jaymi, And even his face was in pure horror of her harse tone. Oowh yeah, tell him off. This girl is like living karma! the sweet taste of unplanned revenge.

After some more moment from her screaming at him, I thought it was time for class and Jaymi got his punishment. So i grabbed Demi by her are and spun her around.

{It's not all Jaymi's fault, I walked off because I wanted to get to know this place. By the way, Aren't we all going to be late for class?}

 "Owh yeah, that's right. Jaymi, take him to class, And don't you dare to lose him!" She sneered at him for the last time, before turning on her heel and walking away from us.

"You've to be happy she's the boss around here.. Other wise I would just punch you in the face." He growled under his breath to make sure no body could here him.

{Bring it on big boy}

I gave him the paper, and turned around and walked through the hallway till i heard him clearing his throaght. I turned and looked him.

"Where are you going?" He asked with an annoying grin on his face. But he was right, I had no facking Idea where I was going. I shrugged to answer his question.

Teenage Runaway. (Larry/Gosh)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora