
21 5 0

Pride out of wealth,
And out of fame,
The blindness of blind,
A precursor to shame.

The fitnah for our nation,
As Muhammad (saws) said,
In the wealth of this dunya
Our destruction bred.

Such a dire issue
For our End,
But our ceaseless hunger
We'd never bend!

What good is it
To stuff the purse,
When, with such blindness
Came a curse?

What good, indeed?
I cannot see,
But the desires of man
On a hogging spree!

Say, I've got some dollars,
Then he's got such pounds,
And there'll most'y be another
Better off around.

So is it really worth
All the trouble we take?
Is it worth it,
When Success is at stake?


fitnah - trial, tribulation, test.
dunya - this world; lit. lowest, compared to the Afterlife, the Best.

PS In case someone cannot understand what I mean, feel free to ask.

Hourglass: PoetryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt