Our First Valentines

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"Can we have another story?" Anne asked me. Flash nodded, agreeing with his sister. "But this time can there be explosions?" He asked me. I nodded and sat down.

"How about the first Valentines your mother and I had? We were just friends at the time, but we still were each other's Valentine's." Anne nodded and Flash glared at me. "There's explosions, I promise." I reassured him. Flash sighed and laid down in his bed.

"Hey Amy...I was just...I was wondering if..." Sonic couldn't get the words out. His voice wouldn't work.

Amy stared at him like he was a loon. Who calls someone over to just watch them stutter? "Are you okay, Sonic? Do you need something?" Amy asked him. "N-No!! I-I was just wondering if...if you'd like to...to be m-my Valentine? J-Just as friends of course!" Sonic blushed and kept his head facing the ground.

"Sure. No need to make a if fuss over it." Amy giggled at him. Sonic was shocked she was okay with this? There was no-

"Sonic! Oh yes, please!"


"Oh thank you, Sonic!" Followed by kisses.

A simple response like that is not what Sonic had expected. He had expected something like the others maybe an "ewwww!" But certainly not a simple answer.

"There you are!" Amy and Sonic looked up to see Eggman glaring at them. "Confessing your love, Sonic? HA! I'm here to ruin this for you! Robots...ATTACK!!!"

Sonic growled because of the blush on his face, plus the fact that Eggman had made this moment worse for him. Sonic looked over at Amy to see her swinging her sword in the air and growling angrily at all the robots. She looked furious!

"Hope I don't ever make her mad..." Sonic thought as they continued to fight. He destroyed many robots in an effort to get to Eggman.

As they fought Sonic got more and more angry thinking about how Eggman ruined his day.

For the final attack Sonic hit Eggman's Eggmobile and he and Amy growled at Eggman as he fell to the floor.

"Don't kill me! I'll do anything!" Eggman pleaded. Sonic and Amy shared a glance then smiled.

Hours later, and $900 later, Sonic and Amy were eating the most expensive food in the most expensive restaurant.


"The end." I stated and stood up. Anne was already fast asleep and Flash looked drowsy. "That was awesome, Dad." He yawned as I kissed his forehead. "You think Anne and I will ever have an arch-nemesis like you and Eggman?" Flash asked me.

"I hope not." I said and kissed Anne's sleeping cheek. "G'night Flash, sleep tight." I cracked the door and soon I heard their little snores start to erupt into the hallway.

SonAmy Classic: Bedtime StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora