The Ultimate Merger

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          Theresa arrived in the Aladdin realm, following on her senses where to meet the others, as they arrived there much earlier than her. With Michael at her side, she managed to transport the two of them directly in the Sultan's palace – an area she knew neither of them had been to since its destruction. She knew it was not supposed to have existed there in the Disneyverse because of what happened, yet it was there nonetheless – because of the rift, as she thought. However, from the state that she and Michael found the palace upon their arrival, it was clear to her that something else was behind its mysterious restoration. It was not because of a time shift – restored to the point before the interference of Sean Thomas and his friends and family – as Theresa believed. It was like the realm itself was never destroyed but kept "alive" in a desolate state for some reason.

            She knew her questions would be answered as soon as she spotted Yen Sid, Mickey, Katie, Panda, and the other Guardians – including Mindy, the one Ellison found in the Finding Nemo/Little Mermaid realm, and two others whose names she had not discovered yet – standing around the Sultan's throne. Theresa figured that the group was getting to the bottom of what had happened to the once-beautiful city of Agrabah and the world around it by speaking with the Sultan. The palace itself was in shambles, and it gave Theresa flashbacks of when she first encountered Dawn, the wicked persona of Joanie Navarro and part of the reason for the realm's near-destruction.  

            Theresa could not see the Sultan from the distance she and Michael stood from the throne, in addition to the collection of bodies that obscured him from their view. They moved in closer to the group and looked over the shoulders of Shelly and Victoria. But they did not see the Sultan sitting there on the throne; instead, it was a frail, old woman with long blond hair and withered blue eyes that stared up at each of them. As she and Michael joined the group, Theresa heard Yen Sid address the old woman as "Genevieve," the same woman who mentally contacted all of the Guardians and gathered most of the ones there in the palace.  

            "What happened?" She asked, surprising them all with her and Michael's presence.  

            There were some negative surprises from Tiffany, Shelly, Marla, and especially Adrienne in seeing Michael standing there with Theresa. "What is he doing here?" Adrienne directly questioned, advancing on Michael.  

            Theresa quickly stepped in between them to prevent another confrontation. "Hold up! Hold up! I brought him because he has every right to be here."  

            Her response baffled Adrienne. "Did he kick your butt so bad that you don't even remember the beat-down he put on you?"  

            "I hadn't forgotten about it." Theresa clarified. "But I forgive him for it because he wasn't himself at the time. We've all been where he is, but we shouldn't shun or condemn him for it."  

            "And he isn't the threat here." Buohler stated. "The witch that had me frozen and Yvette chained up – she is the threat."  

            "What witch?" Theresa curiously asked.  

            "Dawn." Yvette told her. "She's back...and so is that."  

            Theresa saw her point upward and looked to a broken portion of the roof to see the Sphere looming outside the palace. Horrified, she pondered aloud, "How did that get here?"  

            "Dawn brought it here." Genevieve said, redirecting their attention to her as she fought to speak and breathe. "She is the all that we've spent...our protect. But now...the fourteen of us...must combine all of our strength...all of our intelligence...all of our bravery and protect the each of us have."  

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