It All Started with a Mouse and Two Sorceresses

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            "Order! We shall have order in this room!"

            Merlin banged his gavel like a courtroom judge on the long, squared wooden table, much to the annoyance of Yen Sid, who did not think the action was necessary. There were only six master sorcerers present within the conference room – Merlin, Scrooge McDuck, Pete, Anne-Marie, Joanie, and himself. Also present within the room was Mickey, who attended their conference more as a servant, providing water and food for the six master sorcerers.  

            As the mouse served each one, he got a glimpse of the different characteristics each sorcerer possessed. There was the obvious earnestness of Yen Sid and the maternal aura of Joanie, who went by the name of "Joan" in reflection of her full elderly appearance. She looked nearly as old as Yen Sid and Merlin; of course, Mickey knew that it was impossible for her to be that old, since the two men were well over a century old. Mickey served McDuck next and found the old duck to be quite arrogant, pompously clearing his throat upon seeing Mickey. He then went to Merlin, who seemed grateful of Mickey's services yet was too absent-minded to give a "thank you." Anne-Marie appeared rather cold; it was difficult for Mickey to tell what type of sorceress she was.  

            Finally, there was Pete, who had been eyeing Mickey ever since arriving to Yen Sid's castle. It didn't take much observation for Mickey to see what type of a sorcerer Pete was as he let it be known for the apprentice with his harsh demands. "Heya, mouse! Get me sum more water! Pronto!" He tossed his cup, which was already half full, and caused some of the liquid to splash onto Mickey's face and robes.  

            Pete's foul treatment of Mickey angered Joan and even Yen Sid. "That's enough, Pete." Joan declared. The white glow of her eyes, which echoed her anger, was enough to make the overweight master sorcerer cease of his mistreatments.  

            "'Enough' is right." McDuck said. "We're wastin' time here talkin' about what to do with the rifts that are spreadin' through the worlds. Already there are six and more are comin'!"  

            "What worlds have been affected so far?" Anne-Marie queried. Mickey noticed how she carried an English accent, making her one of the three master sorcerers at the table to have one, next to Yen Sid and Merlin.  

            "The Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo realms had merged this morning. Others that followed after were Peter Pan and Up, Cars and The Lion King, Lady and the Tramp and 101 Dalmatians, Pinocchio and Alice in Wonderland, and Brave and The Sword in the Stone." Joan notified.  

            "And may I add that the presence of the Dunbroch clan in England isn't doing us any favors." Merlin criticized.  

            "So let's cut to dah chase," said an impatient Pete, "how we gonna take care of this here mess?"  

            "Do we even know how it happened?" Anne-Marie asked.  

            The conference room fell silent as Joan and Yen Sid eyed each other, as if to determine which of the two of them would answer Anne-Marie. It was finally Joan who made the move in answering: "The cause is still under investigation by Yen Sid and a few other master sorcerers."  

            "Yen Sid and a few chumps?" Pete uttered in confusion. "Whadda 'bout you?"  

            "What about me?" Joan retorted.  

            McDuck stepped in, supporting Pete's complaint. "He's got a point, lass. You're the Guardian. It is your duty to watch and protect all worlds. It's what ya promised us years ago, isn't it?"  

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