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Miyu's Point Of View

     I stood by Kakashi, rubbing my fist in my palm. I quickly craned my neck around a little to pop it. The mission Kakashi and I were given, was to determine what rank this girl who showed up earlier is. She stood kind of slouched, but still standing straight. I felt a tap on my shoulder and Kakashi gave me a knowing look that I returned.

     "Remember, don't kill her and to not hurt her too much," He patted my shoulder.

     "I know, Kakashi, I heard the hokage," I sighed and stepped forward.

     "Miyu, this is, Rin. Rin, this is, Miyu," Sarutobi explained.

     "Hi!" I said with a grin.

     "Hey," Rin, answered kind of indifferently.

     "Let's head to the training grounds everyone," The hokage stood up.

     "Okay," I said as I raised my hand into the air.

     "Here, let me do it. You have to save charka," Kakashi placed a hand on my shoulder.

     "Okay," I waited for the teleportation justu to happen.

     I blinked when we arrived to the training grounds. Kakashi stood next to me and slowly removed his hand from the top of my shoulder and let it drop to his side. We were across the field from the hokage, Rin, and the other sensei's . Sarutobi nodded at Kakashi then he told me to go on down, but to remember what he said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Rin.

    I met her icy blue eyes and let my right foot move in front of my left. As we began to walk to the middle of the training field, it began to change into a tense atmosphere. There was a possibility she could be a spy or an assassin, we don't really enjoy taking those kind of chances. Rin and I, were about two feet apart from each other.

     "Good luck," I said to be fair.

     "Yeah, you, too," She answered.

     I watched her as she didn't move and I turned around. I never felt anything, so I quickly crouched down, spun around, and swept my leg under her feet. Not expecting it, she fell backwards and jumped up.

     "What the heck was that?" She got all mad.

     "We're battling," I answered dumbly.

     "If we're going to play like that, okay," She said hopping around. "Let's do this. Bring it on," She began to jump side to side a little.

      I tried not to laugh at her anger, so I bit my tongue. She looked like she was in a defending stance, so quickly, I threw I punch. Rin slid over a little and dodged it then returned a kick. I quickly back-flipped, and teleported behind her. She looked around then mumbled, 'crap,' under her breath. Rin, turned around and I quickly threw a punch, that was dodged. But, that was a trick, when she punched 'me' suddenly a log dropped. I could tell she looked confused, but I had to finish this mission to see if she was safe. I formed a fist and punched her, with no charka, though. She grabbed her cheek and the hokage came forward.

      "I think that's enough. Kakashi?" Sarutobi looked at Kakashi.

     "Yeah, that should be good," He answered.

     "But, I barely even did anything," I pouted walking over to Kakashi.

     "Well, we don't need you two killing each other. We just needed to see if she was going to do some kind of hidden jutsu or anything that could endanger us and the village."

     "You don't think that she could know one, but she is just not showing it yet? Or she knows that is what you guys are waiting for, so she isn't going to do it?" I asked.

     "You do have points, but we know that sometimes we just have to take the chances. Are you going to the hokage's office, or are you staying here?" He asked.

     "Eh, I'll train and wait for you to come back," I walked over to a tree.

     "Why are you going to wait for me?"

     "Because, you're supposed to teach me the new jutsu," I turned around with a glare.

     "About that," He dragged the words out.

     "Kakashi," I stepped forward.

     "See ya'," He waved with a nervous laugh and disappeared.

     "Oh, no you don't," I snapped and popped into Sarutobi's office.

     "You can't always just pop into my office. Sometimes it'd be be nice if you would knock like a normal person," Sarutobi moved some papers around.

     "Where's Kakashi?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "Is he hiding in here?" I began to look around.

     "If he was hiding I'm pretty sure you would've found him by now, Miyu. Why are you even looking for him?"

     "He's at home reading those perverted books, isn't he?" I stomped.

     "More then likely," He chuckled.

     "Okay, thanks, Sarutobi."

     "Bye, Miyu. Wise decisions," He smiled to himself.

     "Will do," I vanished after my last word was said.

     I popped into a room and was face to face with Kakashi. If I do have to say so myself, it was pretty awkward. He had his mask on, but other than that, he had a towel on. I quickly looked up and I felt my ears and face burning.

     "Has anyone ever thought to teach you how to knock?" Kakashi held the towel closer to him.

     "Has anyone ever thought to teach you how to not go back on your word?" I asked looking him in the eye.

     "Okay, fine, I'll teach you the justu," He sighed.

     "Yes!" I jumped and shook his shoulders.

     "Miyu? Can you not, I'm in a towel?" His face was a little red.

     "Uh, um, yeah. Okay, I got it," I removed my hands and shook them off.

     I  wiped the remaining water off on my shirt and felt something drip on me. I looked up to see Kakashi's hair dripping wet. I quickly snapped and appeared at the training grounds. It was dark and cool, perfect weather. I heard a snap of a twig from in the distance, I teleported over there and quickly a yelp made way through my ears.

     "Rin?" I asked.

     "Yes," She answered standing in front of a tree.

     "You're training?"

     "If I'm going to be here, I want to become a ninja."

     "Cool, I'll let you get to it," I nodded.

     I walked forward with my head to the stars and looked around. A sound of something flying my direction made me snap into reality. I quickly grabbed the incoming object and realized it was a fist. I twisted the arm a little and I got spun around quickly. I back-flipped and shot forward to the darkened figure. They swept their leg and tried to knock me down, but I quickly leaped into the air and tried to kick them in the gut. My foot was dodged and I was met in the air. A couple of punches were thrown, but then the presence disappeared. Quickly, I turned around and felt two hands on my shoulders pulling me to the ground. When I made a collision with the ground, extra weight was on me, and I new who it was. A kunai was placed to my throat and I coughed a little from the collision. Kakashi's face was right in front of mine as he removed the kunai, I could easily tell he was smirking.

     "Training starts now."


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