The Box On The Docks

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Shane's P.O.V

Draya runs upstairs and leaves me alone with her dad. Perfect. Am I ready to ask him? I think so, Draya is an inspirational, beautiful person and I have enjoyed the time I've spent with her. I think her dad will say yes. I think he will let me ask her. Our conversation over dinner was great and I hardly ever get to talk about sports and cars with anyone. My dad is not interested in it enough to carry a conversation. I do feel bad because I practically ignored Draya while I was talking to her dad. I hope he understands me and what Drays means to me.
I ask him if we can have a talk in the living room while Draya is getting ready and by his expression, I think he knows what I am going to say. I can't read anything else about his expression so I just sit down and rest my elbows on my legs and fold my hands as they hang between my knees. I sigh trying to figure out how to word what I want to say. It's harder than I thought it would be. He's staring at me, urging me to go on and J mask my nervous face. I sit up straighter and breathe in deeply and ask for his permission. I don't want to do it behind his back. It wouldn't be right.
"Sir," I start, and I think it'd a good start. "May I please," I pause and breathe in. "May I please date your daughter?" The words are out! I patiently wait for the answer and Mr. Jonson opens his mouth but doesn't speak yet. He looks like he's thinking strong and hard at all the possibilities.
"Shane, you are a very trustworthy, nice, young man. You must promise me that you will take care of my little girl, my only daughter. I trust you will do so. I do indeed give you permission." I gather the words that come from his mouth making sure I don't miss anything he says.
"Yes sir, I will, thank you." I smile and shake his hand. I hear footsteps on the stairs and I rise wen I see Draya come down the stairs. She's wearing a black shirt with a red plaid shirt over top, jeans and her sneakers. Her long hair is straight and flows down her back and falls in front of her face and shoulder when she looks at me. She's so beautiful, inside and out. Her smile is sweet and her teeth are straight and sparkly white. She stops grinning and just keeps a small smile and I walk over to the door. I thank her dad for dinner and I open up the door for her to go through.
"Bye, dad." She turns and heads out the door in front of me. The sun is shining above the trees before it will set behind the horizon. We jump in my car and drive a while to the beach by the lake. I grab her hand and we walk carefully down the steep, rocky path towards the dock and we take our shoes off and sit on the edge. The sun is a little above the water and we are able to watch the sun set over the giant lake in front of us. I look at her as she watches the small waves and the breeze blows her long hair back. I notice for the first time the earrings she has on her left ear. She has two piercings on this ear. A small hoop and a shining stud. I try to break the sweet silence we are sitting in. "It's beautiful isn't it." She faces me and nods. Her eyes are big and bright in the dimming sky. I turn toward her and she turns toward me when she notices. She can tell I want to tell her something. It is nerve-wrecking. Not something that is very easy to say. She is so beautiful behind her hair she always hides in. No one ever realized it, no one ever tried. They just made her miserable. But I notice it, I know I am lucky to be her friend, and hopefully more than friends. I stop stalling and staring and I look down then look back at her, straight in her eyes.
"Draya," I stop, but I know I have to continue. I can't let my nerves get the best of me. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Draya's P.O.V

He's looking straight in my eyes, wait, what did he say? I freeze and my eyes widen. What did he say? I don't know what to do, I missed what he said. I was too busy focusing on the fact that he was looking me in the eyes. "What?" Way to stay casual, Draya. He looks confused. "Sorry, I was lost thinking about something." I totally ruined the moment! How could I? Why wasn't I paying attention? Ugh.
"I said," He chuckles a bit and then smiles. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Will you be my girlfriend runs through my head, he, he asked me. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I feel the fluttering of wings rise in my stomach, a good or bad feeling? I grin like an idiot and look at him. It's getting dark so I hope he can't see the heat rising in my cheeks. But he is moving away! How could this even work? My hands shake from nervousness but I decide I'll face the problem when I get there. I bite my lower lip, still smiling and I can't get any words out. I nod my head slowly, then a little faster knowing that I am more sure about it every time. He grins and turns back to the sunset. The edge of the sun is grazing the water. It's a magnificent sight as the sky turns orange and the white clouds fill with pink and purple. He places a box in my hand, a small pink box and I open it to find a necklace, shaped like a cross with purple gems on the inside. I gasp quietly so he can't hear and I stare at its beauty. "It's amazing, thank you!" I grab him in a tight hug and he hugs me back. The most amazing feeling in the world. We sit there for a moment and cherish it. He takes the necklace from me and I turn and lift my long dark hair as he latches it around my neck. I know for sure now that my face is red but I don't care. I lean against his shoulder and he pulls me close with his arm around me as we watch the sun hide behind the distant horizon.

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